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A cystophorous cercaria and metacercaria in Antalis entalis (L.) (Mollusca, Scaphopoda) in Norwegian waters, the larval stage of Lecithophyllum botryophorum (Olsson, 1868) (Digenea, Lecithasteridae)
Køie, M.; Karlsbakk, E.; Nylund, A. (2002). A cystophorous cercaria and metacercaria in Antalis entalis (L.) (Mollusca, Scaphopoda) in Norwegian waters, the larval stage of Lecithophyllum botryophorum (Olsson, 1868) (Digenea, Lecithasteridae). Sarsia 87(4): 302-311
In: Sarsia. University of Bergen. Universitetsforlaget: Bergen. ISSN 0036-4827; e-ISSN 1503-1128, more
Peer reviewed article  

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    Acids > Organic compounds > Organic acids > Nucleic acids > DNA
    Fauna > Aquatic organisms > Aquatic animals > Shellfish
    Antalis entalis (Linnaeus, 1758) [WoRMS]; Digenea [WoRMS]; Mollusca [WoRMS]
    ANE, Norway [Marine Regions]; Norway [Marine Regions]

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  • Køie, M.
  • Karlsbakk, E., more
  • Nylund, A.

    Cystophorous cercariae developing in rediae in Antalis entalis (L.) (Syn.: Dentalium entale) (Mollusca, Scaphopoda) were found in Norwegian waters off Bergen. The second intermediate (crustacean) hosts are unknown. Experimental infections of copepods and various malacostracans with the immotile cystophorous cercariae were unsuccessful. In one instance, three cercariae developed into metacercariae in one specimen of Antalis entalis kept in an aquarium for 11 months. The cercaria and redia are described using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Serial sections of rediae revealed a vestigial pharynx and caecum. The cercaria is compared with other cystophorous cercariae from scaphopods and other molluscs. The redia and cercaria differ slightly from those of Cercaria prenanti Arvy, 1949 in Antalis entalis from France, but are very similar to Cercaria prenanti from the American Pacific. The metacercaria is very similar to young specimens of Lecithophyllum botryophorum (Olsson, 1868) Odhner, 1905 (Lecithasteridae), a common digenean in Argentina silus (Ascanius, 1775) in the North Atlantic. A comparison of partial ssu rDNA sequences of the larval stages in Antalis entalis and adult Lecithophyllum botryophorum from Argentina silus shows them to be identical.

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