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A review of the coastal landscape information in support of local planning and management in Sicily (Italy)
Geremia, F.; Lanza, S.; Ruggeri, S.; Tagliente, M.; Randazzo, G. (2004). A review of the coastal landscape information in support of local planning and management in Sicily (Italy), in: Green, D.R. et al. Littoral 2004: 7th International Symposium. Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 20th - 22nd September 2004. Proceedings volume 2. pp. 664-665
In: Green, D.R. et al. (2004). Littoral 2004: 7th International Symposium. Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 20th - 22nd September 2004. Proceedings volume 2. Cambridge Publications: Cambridge. ISBN 0-9540081-0-4. XVIII, 425-797 pp., more

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Document type: Conference paper

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  • Geremia, F.
  • Lanza, S.
  • Ruggeri, S.
  • Tagliente, M.
  • Randazzo, G.

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