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Landscapes and landforms of Belgium and Luxembourg
Demoulin, A. (Ed.) (2018). Landscapes and landforms of Belgium and Luxembourg. Springer International Publishing: [s.l.]. ISBN 978-3-319-58237-5. XI, 424 pp.

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  • Demoulin, A., editor, more

  • Schepers, L.; Maris, T.; Meire, P.; Temmerman, S. (2018). The Scheldt estuary: an overview of the morphodynamics of intertidal areas, in: Demoulin, A. (Ed.) Landscapes and landforms of Belgium and Luxembourg. pp. 281-296., more
  • Heyse, I.; Demoulin, A. (2018). The Flemish valley: response of the Scheldt drainage system to climatic and glacio-eustatic oscillations, in: Demoulin, A. (Ed.) Landscapes and landforms of Belgium and Luxembourg. pp. 297-311., more
  • Baeteman, C. (2018). The coastal plain of Belgium, joint product of natural processes and human activities, in: Demoulin, A. (Ed.) Landscapes and landforms of Belgium and Luxembourg. pp. 313-334., more

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