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Morphological evidence of coherent organic material within the stereom of postmetamorphic echinoderms
Dubois, P. (1991). Morphological evidence of coherent organic material within the stereom of postmetamorphic echinoderms, in: Suga, S. et al. Mechanisms and Phylogeny of Mineralization in Biological Systems. pp. 41-45.
In: Suga, S.; Nakahara, H. (Ed.) (1991). Mechanisms and Phylogeny of Mineralization in Biological Systems. Springer Japan: Tokyo. ISBN 978-4-431-68134-2. XIV, 517 pp., more

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    The occurrence of a coherent organic material within the mineral phase (i.e. the stereom) of the skeleton of postmetamorphic echinoderms is demonstrated in both light and scanning electron microscopies. This material is structured in concentric laminae bridged by radial threads. IC most probably introduces extensive discontinuities in the crystalline network of the high-magnesium calcite which forms the skeleton. Consequently, echinoderm ossicles should presumably be true polycrystalline aggregates.

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