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Possible neotectonic fault movements in Norway
Selnes, P.B. (1983). Possible neotectonic fault movements in Norway, in: Ritsema, A.R. et al. Seismicity and seismic risk in the offshore North Sea area: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held at Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 1–4, 1982. NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 99: pp. 47-48.
In: Ritsema, A.R.; Gürpinar, A. (Ed.) (1983). Seismicity and seismic risk in the offshore North Sea area: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held at Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 1–4, 1982. NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 99. D. Reidel Publishing: Dordrecht. ISBN 90-277-1529-7. xxiv, 420 pp., more
In: NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences. D. Reidel: Dordrecht; Boston; Lancaster. ISSN 0258-2023, more

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  • Selnes, P.B.

    The table is based on literature studies and hearsay, and shows locations where possible neotectonic movements have been reported in Norway. Site investigations carried out at Yrkje indicate possible postglacial movements of 6–13m vertically across a NNE-SSE trending fault. In addition, investigations of possible fault movements are being carried out based on geophysical surveys of upper sediments along the Skitfjord pipeline trail.

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