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Normalisation models for accounting for fat content in stable isotope measurements in salmonid muscle tissue
Abrantes, K.G.; Semmens, J.M.; Lyle, J.M.; Nichols, P.D. (2012). Normalisation models for accounting for fat content in stable isotope measurements in salmonid muscle tissue. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 159(1): 57-64.
In: Marine Biology: International Journal on Life in Oceans and Coastal Waters. Springer: Heidelberg; Berlin. ISSN 0025-3162; e-ISSN 1432-1793, more
Peer reviewed article  

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  • Abrantes, K.G., more
  • Semmens, J.M.
  • Lyle, J.M.
  • Nichols, P.D.

    Stable isotope analysis is increasingly used in ecological studies. Because lipid content influences d13C, lipids should be removed from lipid-rich samples before d13C analysis. To account for differences in d13C arising from differences in lipid content, relationships between lipid content, C:N ratio and ?d13C with lipid removal can be used to normalise lipid content to uniform levels. We investigate these relationships for salmonid muscle and evaluate the suitability of previously published normalisation equations for these fish. Salmonids with a wide range of condition (muscle lipid content = 3–35% of dry weight) were considered. There were no consistent relationships between lipid content or C:N ratio and ?d15N. There were linear relationships between C:N ratio and lipid content (L = -16.53 + 6.27× C:N); C:N ratio and ?d13C (?d13C = -1.87 + 0.65 × C:N); and lipid content and ?d13C (?d13C = 0.01 + 0.10 × L), which should be used on salmonid stable isotope studies.

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