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Maritime pollution liability and policy. China, Europe and the U.S
Faure, M.G.; Han, L.; Shan, H. (Ed.) (2010). Maritime pollution liability and policy. China, Europe and the U.S. Kluwer Law International: Alphen aan den Rijn. ISBN 978-90-411-2869-0. 456 pp.


Authors  Top 
  • Faure, M.G., editor
  • Han, L., editor
  • Shan, H., editor

  • Somers, E. (2010). Marine pollution and the right of entry in maritime ports for ships in distress, in: Faure, M.G. et al. Maritime pollution liability and policy. China, Europe and the U.S. pp. 41-54, more
  • Liu, N.; Maes, F. (2010). Criminal liability and vessel-source pollution in European Union and United States: inspiration for the prevention of vessel-source pollution in China, in: Faure, M.G. et al. (Ed.) Maritime pollution liability and policy. China, Europe and the U.S. pp. 193-214, more
  • Huybrechts, M. (2010). Criminal liability of master and crew in oil pollution cases: a possible conflict between the law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS), MARPOL and the European Directive 2005//35/EC, in: Faure, M.G. et al. (Ed.) Maritime pollution liability and policy. China, Europe and the U.S. pp. 215-230, more

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