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Contemporary high seas fisheries law
Franckx, E.; Van Assche, C. (2007). Contemporary high seas fisheries law, in: Franckx, E. (Ed.) Contemporary regulation of marine living resources and pollution: essays written by and in honour of the International Francqui Chairholder Professor Dermott Devine. pp. 29-70
In: Franckx, E. (Ed.) (2007). Contemporary regulation of marine living resources and pollution: Essays written by and in honour of the International Francqui Chairholder Professor Dermott Devine. Maklu: Antwerp. ISBN 978-90-4660-103-7. xxiii, 193 pp., more

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    Fisheries > Marine fisheries > High seas fisheries
    Fishery laws

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  • Franckx, E., more
  • Van Assche, C., more

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