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Proceedings of the 34th World Congress of the International Association for Hydro- Environment Research and Engineering: Balance and Uncertainty - 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering , 26 June - 1 July 2011, Brisbane, Australia
Valentine, E.M.; Apelt, C.J.; Ball, J.; Chanson, H.; Cox, R.; Ettema, R.; Kuczera, G.; Lambert, M.; Melville, B.W.; Sargison, J.E. (Ed.) (2011). Proceedings of the 34th World Congress of the International Association for Hydro- Environment Research and Engineering: Balance and Uncertainty - 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering , 26 June - 1 July 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Engineers Australia: Brisbane. ISBN 978-0-85825-868-6. 1 CD-ROM (4583 pp.) pp.

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Document type: Conference

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  • 34th IAHR World Congress Organisation - 33rd National Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium - 10th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, more

Authors  Top 
  • Valentine, E.M., editor
  • Apelt, C.J., editor
  • Ball, J., editor
  • Chanson, H., editor
  • Cox, R., editor
  • Ettema, R., editor
  • Kuczera, G., editor
  • Lambert, M., editor
  • Melville, B.W., editor
  • Sargison, J.E., editor

  • Souliotis, D.; Prinos, P. (2011). A numerical simulator for wave overtopping, in: Valentine, E.M. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 34th World Congress of the International Association for Hydro- Environment Research and Engineering: Balance and Uncertainty - 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering , 26 June - 1 July 2011, Brisbane, Australia. pp. 6 pp, more
  • Koftis, Th.K.; Prinos, P. (2011). Spectral wave attenuation over Posidonia oceanica, in: Valentine, E.M. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 34th World Congress of the International Association for Hydro- Environment Research and Engineering: Balance and Uncertainty - 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering , 26 June - 1 July 2011, Brisbane, Australia. pp. 935-942, more
  • Peeters, P.; Van Hoestenberghe, T.; Vincke, L.; Visser, P. (2011). SWOT analysis of breach models for common dike failure mechanisms, in: Valentine, E.M. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 34th World Congress of the International Association for Hydro- Environment Research and Engineering: Balance and Uncertainty - 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering , 26 June - 1 July 2011, Brisbane, Australia. pp. 3936-3943, more

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