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Development of the BioMar database, and its contribution to nature conservation management in the Irish Sea
Costello, M.J. (1993). Development of the BioMar database, and its contribution to nature conservation management in the Irish Sea, in: Marine and Coastal databases. Irish Sea Forum Seminar Reports, 3: pp. 72-79
In: (1993). Marine and Coastal databases. Irish Sea Forum Seminar Reports, 3. Liverpool University Press: Liverpool, more
In: Irish Sea Forum Seminar Reports. Liverpool University Press, more

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Document type: Conference paper

    Conservation > Nature conservation
    ANE, Irish Sea [Marine Regions]

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  • Costello, M.J., more

    This aims to develop an integrated system for collecting, classifying, storing, analysing, interpreting and disseminating marine environmental and biological data. Field surveys of marine biotopes (habitats and their associated communities) will be conducted in Ireland and Britain. The database will be used in coastal zone management and for the identification, description and mapping of biotopes.

  • Picton, B.E., C.S. Emblow, C.C. Morrow, E.M. Sides, P. Tierney, D. McGrath, G. McGeough, M. McCrea,P. Dinneen, J. Falvey, S. Dempsey, J. Dowse, and M. J. Costello, 1999: Marine sites, habitats and species data collected during the BioMar survey of Ireland. Environmental Sciences Unit, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, more

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