08 / 12 / 2018

Photo: Compendium for Coast and Sea - VLIZ
Below you will find an overview of the publications and novelties that are part of the Compendium for Coast and Sea 2018:
- Indicator Report Marine Research and Innovation 2018: Trends and figures on marine research and marine innovation in Flanders and Belgium (English: digital & print | Dutch: digital & print);
- Knowledge Guide Coast and Sea 2018: Information portal on the use of the coast and sea in Flanders and Belgium (English: digital | Dutch: digital & print);
- Expert Guide Marine Research 2018: Portfolio of marine research in Flanders and Belgium (English: digital & print | Dutch: digital);
- Catalogue Marine Research Infrastructure 2018: Overview of the available infrastructure for marine research in Flanders and Belgium (English: digital);
- Marine Policy - Policy instruments and legislation 2018: Overview of the most pertinent international, European, federal and Flemish marine policy context (English: digital | Dutch: digital - available from January);
- Envelope: handy sheets that quickly guide the marine expert through the Compendium for Coast and Sea 2018 (English: print | Dutch: print);
- The Coastal Portal (at the moment only available in Dutch: www.kustportaal.be; English version available in spring 2019): new online portal on the different uses and monitoring activities at sea and in the coastal zone (digital). The web portal will be systematically expanded in the future, both in terms of content and functionality.
Be sure to keep an eye on the newsfeed of the Compendium website or the Compendium Twitter account for announcements of future Compendium publications or applications.
Contact compendium@vliz.be for more information about the Compendium for Coast and Sea and its products.