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Prof. Dr Sousa Pinto, Isabel
Personal home page
  • University of Porto; Interdisciplinary Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (Porto) (CIIMAR), more
  • Function: Principal Investigator
    Direct contact at institute:
    Tel.: +351-(0)968-56 28 56
  • University of Porto; Faculty of Sciences; Department of Botany, more
  • Function: Assistant Professor
    Direct contact at institute:
    Tel.: +351-(0)223-40 18 35
  • Creating a long term infrastructure for marine biodiversity research in the European Economic Area and the Newly Associated States, more
  • Effects of biodiversity on the functioning and stability of marine ecosystems: European scale comparisons, more
  • European Marine Biodiversity Observatory System, more
  • Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, more
  • Marine Propagation Along the Coasts of Europe, more
  • Pilot MarBEF Coast Watch network of students and amateurs in Europe, more
  • Web Accessible Taxonomic Expertise in MarBEF: PROviding an e-Platform for the European Taxonomists, more
  • Arenas Parra, F.; Sousa Pinto, I.; Interdisciplinary Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (Porto) (CIIMAR) - University of Porto, Portugal; (2012). Monitoring Porto 2006-2008., more
  • Aráujo R., Bárbara I, Tibaldo M., Berecibar E., Díaz Tapia P., Pereira R., Santos R. & Sousa-Pinto I. Checklist of benthic marine algae and cyanobacteria of northern Portugal. Centre of Marine and Environmental Research; Interdisciplinary Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (Porto) (Ciimar)., more
  • Correia, A.M., Oliveira-Rodrigues, C., Gandra, M., Liberal, M., Valente, R., Gil, A., Rosso, M., Pierce, G.J. & Sousa-Pinto, I., CIIMAR - UP. (2022). CETUS: Cetacean monitoring surveys in the Eastern North Atlantic. Marine Data Archive., more
  • Macroalgas do Minho or 'Seaweeds from Minho', more
  • MoBiDiC: Sousa Pinto, I.; Viera, R.; 2012. Monitoring of the intertidal biodiversity of rocky beaches with schools in Portugal 2005-2010. CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre for Marine and Environmental Research, Porto., more
  • Sousa-Pinto I. & Araújo, R. (2003). Intertidal rocky shore assemblages in Portugal. Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigaçao Marinha e Ambiental (CIMAR), Portugal., more
  • Sousa-Pinto I. & Araújo, R. (2003). Macroalgal communities of intertidal rock pools in Portugal. Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigaçao Marinha e Ambiental (CIMAR), Portugal., more
A1 Publications (18) [show]
Abstracts (2) [show]
Report [show]
Other publications (2) [show]
Thesis (co-)promotor (5) [show]