Natural Environment Research Council; Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), more
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- Creating a long term infrastructure for marine biodiversity research in the European Economic Area and the Newly Associated States, more
A1 Publications (26) [show] |
Davies, T.E.; Carneiro, A.P.B.; Tarzia, M.; Wakefield, E.; Hennicke, J.C.; Frederiksen, M.; Hansen, E.S.; Campos, B.; Hazin, C.; Lascelles, B.; Anker-Nilssen, T.; Arnardóttir, H.; Barrett, R.T.; Biscoito, M.; Bollache, L.; Boulinier, T.; Catry, P.; Ceia, F.R.; Chastel, O.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, S.; Cruz-Flores, M.; Danielsen, J.; Daunt, F.; Dunn, E.; Egevang, C.; Fagundes, A.I.; Fayet, A.L.; Fort, J.; Furness, R.W.; Gilg, O.; González-Solis, J.; Granadeiro, J.P.; Gremillet, D.; Guilford, T.; Hanssen, S.A.; Harris, M.P.; Hedd, A.; Huffeldt, N.P.; Jessopp, M.; Kolbeinsson, Y.; Krietsch, J.; Lang, J.; Linnebjerg, J.F.; Lorentsen, S.-H.; Madeiros, J.; Magnusdottir, E.; Mallory, M.L.; McFarlane Tranquilla, L.; Merkel, F.R.; Militão, T.; Moe, B.; Montevecchi, W.A.; Morera-Pujol, V.; Mosbech, A.; Neves, V.; Newell, M.A.; Olsen, B.; Paiva, V.H.; Peter, H.-U.; Petersen, A.; Phillips, R.A.; Ramirez, I.; Ramos, J.A.; Ramos, R.; Ronconi, R.A.; Ryan, P.G.; Schmidt, N.M.; Sigurðsson, I.A.; Sittler, B.; Steen, H.; Stenhouse, I.J.; Strøm, H.; Systad, G.H.R.; Thompson, P.; Thórarinsson, T.L.; van Bemmelen, R.S.A.; Wanless, S.; Zino, F.; Dias, M.P. (2021). Multispecies tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic. Conserv. Lett. 14(5): e12824., more
- Keogan, K.; Daunt, F.; Wanless, S.; Phillips, R.A.; Walling, C.A.; Agnew, P.; Ainley, D.G.; Anker-Nilssen, T.; Ballard, G.; Barrett, R.T.; Barton, K.J.; Bech, C.; Becker, P.H.; Berglund, P.-A.; Bollache, L.; Bond, A.L.; Bouwhuis, S.; Bradley, R.W.; Burr, Z.M.; Camphuysen, C.J.; Catry, P.; Chiaradia, A.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, S.; Cuthbert, R.; Dehnhard, N.; Déscamps, S.; Diamond, T.; Divoky, G.; Drummond, H.; Dugger, K.M.; Dunn, M.J.; Emmerson, L.; Erikstad, K.E.; Fort, J.; Fraser, W.R.; Genovart, M.; Gilg, O.; González-Solis, J.; Granadeiro, J.P.; Gremillet, D.; Hansen, J.; Hanssen, S.A.; Harris, M.; Hedd, A.; Hinke, J.; Igual, J.M.; Jahncke, J.; Jones, I.; Kappes, P.J.; Lang, J.; Langset, M.; Lescroël, A.; Lorentsen, S.-H.; Lyver, P.O.; Mallory, M.; Moe, B.; Montevecchi, W.A.; Monticelli, D.; Mostello, C.; Newell, M.; Nicholson, L.; Nisbet, I.; Olsson, O.; Oro, D.; Pattison, V.; Poisbleau, M.; Pyk, T.; Quintana, F.; Ramos, J.A.; Ramos, R.; Reiertsen, T.K.; Rodríguez, C.; Ryan, P.; Sanz-Aguilar, A.; Schmidt, N.M.; Shannon, P.; Sittler, B.; Southwell, C.; Surman, C.; Svagelj, W.S.; Trivelpiece, W.Z.; Warzybok, P.; Watanuki, Y.; Weimerskirch, H.; Wilson, P.R.; Wood, A.G.; Phillimore, A.B.; Lewis, S. (2018). Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds. Nat. Clim. Chang. 8(4): 313-318., more
- Thackeray, S.J.; Henrys, P.A.; Hemming, D.; Bell, J.R.; Botham, M.S.; Burthe, S.; Helaouët, P.; Johns, D.G.; Jones, I.D.; Leech, D.I.; Mackay, E.B.; Massimino, D.; Atkinson, S.; Bacon, P.J.; Brereton, T.M.; Carvalho, L.; Clutton-Brock, T.H.; Duck, C.; Edwards, M.; Elliott, J.M.; Hall, S.J.G.; Harrington, R.; Pearce-Higgins, J.W.; Høye, T.; Kruuk, L.E.B.; Pemberton, J.M.; Sparks, T.H.; Thompson, P.M.; White, I.; Winfield, I.J.; Wanless, S. (2016). Phenological sensitivity to climate across taxa and trophic levels. Nature (Lond.) 535(7611): 241-245., more
- MacDonald, A.; Heath, M.R.; Edwards, M.; Furness, R.W.; Pinnegar, J.K.; Wanless, S.; Speirs, D.; Greenstreet, S.P.R. (2015). Climate-driven trophic cascades affecting seabirds around the British Isles, in: Hughes, R.N. et al. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 53. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 53: pp. 55-79., more
- Sutton, M.A.; Reis, S.; Riddick, S.N.; Nemitz, E.; Theobald, M.R.; Tang, Y.S.; Braban, C.F.; Vieno, M.; Dore, A.J.; Mitchell, R.F.; Wanless, S.; Daunt, F.; Fowler, D.; Blackall, T.D.; Milford, C.; Flechard, C.R.; Loubet, B.; Massad, R.; Cellier, P.; Personne, E.; Coheur, P.F.; Clarisse, L.; Van Damme, M.; Ngadi, Y.; Clerbaux, C.; Skjoth, C.A.; Geels, C.; Hertel, O.; Kruit, R.J.W.; Pinder, R.W.; Bash, J.O.; Walker, J.T.; Simpson, D.; Horvath, L.; Misselbrook, T.H.; Bleeker, A.; Dentener, F.; de Vries, W. (2013). Towards a climate-dependent paradigm of ammonia emission and deposition. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. (B Biol. Sci.) 368(1621): 13., more
- Wakefield, E.D.; Bodey, T.W.; Bearhop, S.; Blackburn, J.; Colhoun, K.; Davies, R.; Dwyer, R.G.; Green, J.A.; Grémillet, D.; Jackson, A.L.; Jessopp, M.J.; Kane, A.; Langston, R.H.W.; Lescroël, A.; Murray, S.; Le Nuz, M.; Patrick, S.C.; Péron, C.; Soanes, L.M.; Wanless, S.; Votier, S.C.; Hamer, K.C. (2013). Space partitioning without territoriality in Gannets. Science (Wash.) 341(6141): 68-70., more
- Harris, M.P.; Daunt, F.; Newell, M.; Phillips, R.A.; Wanless, S. (2010). Erratum to: Wintering areas of adult Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica from a North Sea colony as revealed by geolocation technology. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 157(4): 837-837., more
Grémillet, D.; Lewis, S.; Drapeau, L.; Van Der Lingen, C.D.; Huggett, J.A.; Coetzee, J.C.; Verheye, H.M.; Daunt, F.; Wanless, S.; Ryan, P.G. (2008). Spatial match–mismatch in the Benguela upwelling zone: should we expect chlorophyll and sea-surface temperature to predict marine predator distributions? J. Appl. Ecol. 45(2): 610-621., more
- Harris, M.P.; Beare, D.; Toresen, R.; Nøttestad, L.; Kloppmann, M.; Dörner, H.; Peach, K.; Rushton, D.R.A.; Foster-Smith, J.; Wanless, S. (2007). A major increase in snake pipefish (Entelurus aequoreus) in northern European seas since 2003: potential implications for seabird breeding success. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 151(3): 973-983., more
- Boyd, I.L.; Wanless, S.; Camphuysen, C.J. (2006). Introduction, in: Boyd, I.L. et al. (Ed.) Top predators in marine ecosystems: their role in monitoring and management. Conservation Biology, 12: pp. 1-10, more
- Boyd, I.L.; Wanless, S.; Camphuysen, C.J. (Ed.) (2006). Top predators in marine ecosystems: Their role in monitoring and management. Conservation Biology, 12. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 0-521-61256-X. XIV, 378 pp., more
- Camphuysen, C.J.; Scott, B.E.; Wanless, S. (2006). Distribution and foraging interactions of seabirds and marine mammals in the North Sea: multi-species foraging assemblages and habitat-specific feeding strategies, in: Boyd, I.L. et al. (Ed.) Top predators in marine ecosystems: their role in monitoring and management. Conservation Biology, 12: pp. 82-97, more
- Daunt, F.; Wanless, S.; Peters, G.; Benvenuti, S.; Sharples, J.; Grémillet, D.; Scott, B. (2006). Impacts of oceanography on the foraging dynamics of seabirds in the North Sea, in: Boyd, I.L. et al. (Ed.) Top predators in marine ecosystems: their role in monitoring and management. Conservation Biology, 12: pp. 178-190, more
- Enstipp, M.R.; Daunt, F.; Wanless, S.; Humphreys, E.M.; Hamer, K.C.; Benvenuti, S.; Grémillet, D. (2006). Foraging energetics of North Sea birds confronted with fluctuating prey availability, in: Boyd, I.L. et al. (Ed.) Top predators in marine ecosystems: their role in monitoring and management. Conservation Biology, 12: pp. 191-210, more
- Hamer, K.C.; Lewis, S.; Wanless, S.; Phillips, R.A.; Sherratt, T.N.; Humphreys, E.M.; Hennicke, J.; Garthe, S. (2006). Use of gannets to monitor prey availability in the northeast Atlantic Ocean: colony size, diet and foraging behaviour, in: Boyd, I.L. et al. (Ed.) Top predators in marine ecosystems: their role in monitoring and management. Conservation Biology, 12: pp. 236-248, more
- Scott, B.E.; Sharples, J.; Wanless, S.; Ross, O.N.; Frederiksen, M.; Daunt, F. (2006). The use of biologically meaningful oceanographic indices to separate the effects of climate and fisheries on seabird breeding success, in: Boyd, I.L. et al. (Ed.) Top predators in marine ecosystems: their role in monitoring and management. Conservation Biology, 12: pp. 46-62, more
- Frederiksen, M.; Wanless, S.; Harris, M.P.; Rothery, P.; Wilson, L.J. (2004). The role of industrial fisheries and oceanographic change the decline of North Sea black-legged kittiwakes. J. Appl. Ecol. 41: 1129-1139, more
- Finney, S.K.; Wanless, S.; Harris, M.P.; Monaghan, P. (2001). The impact of gulls on puffin reproductive performance: an experimental test of two management strategies. Biol. Conserv. 98(2): 159-165, more
- Gremillet, D.; Wanless, S.; Carss, D.N.; Linton, D.; Harris, M.P.; Speakman, J.R.; Le Maho, Y. (2001). Foraging energetics of Arctic cormorants and the evolution of diving birds. Ecol. Lett. 4(3): 180-184, more
- Hamer, K.C.; Phillips, R.A.; Hill, J.K.; Wanless, S.; Wood, A.G. (2001). Contrasting foraging strategies of gannets Morus bassanus at two North Atlantic colonies: foraging trip duration and foraging area fidelity. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 224: 283-290., more
- Lewis, S.; Sherratt, T.N.; Hamer, K.C.; Wanless, S. (2001). Evidence of intra-specific competition for food in a pelagic seabird. Nature (Lond.) 412(6849): 816-819, more
- Hamer, K.C.; Phillips, R.A.; Wanless, S.; Harris, M.P.; Wood, A.G. (2000). Foraging ranges, diets and feeding locations of gannets Morus bassanus in the North Sea: evidence from satellite telemetry. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 200: 257-264., more
- Harris, M.P.; Wanless, S.; Rothery, P.; Swann, R.L.; Jardine, D. (2000). Survival of adult common guillemots Uria aalge at three Scottish colonies. Bird Study 47(1): 1-7, more
- Rindorf, A.; Wanless, S.; Harris, M.P. (2000). Effects of changes in sandeel availability on the reproductive output of seabirds. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 202: 241-252, more
- Finney, S.K.; Wanless, S.; Harris, M.P. (1999). The effect of weather conditions on the feeding behaviour of a diving bird, the Common Guillemot Uria aalge. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 30(1): 23-30., more
- Gremillet, D.; Dey, R.; Wanless, S.; Harris, M.P.; Regel, J. (1996). Determining food intake by great Cormorants and European shags with electronic balances. J. Field Ornithol. 67(4): 637-648, more
Peer reviewed publications (7) [show] |
- Daunt, F.; Camphuysen, K.; Humphrys, L.; Hamer, K.; Wanless, S.; Skov, H. (2005). Impact of ocean physics on North Sea seabirds: combining logger data and at-sea surveys, in: Camphuysen, C.J. (Ed.) Understanding marine foodweb processes: an ecosystem approach to sustainable sandeel fisheries in the North Sea: IMPRESS final report. NIOZ-rapport, 2005-5: pp. 163-180, more
- Enstipp, M.R.; Daunt, F.; Wanless, S.; Humphreys, E.M.; Hamer, K.C.; Benvenuti, S.; Grémillet, D. (2005). Foraging energetics of North Sea birds confronted with fluctuating prey availability, in: Camphuysen, C.J. (Ed.) Understanding marine foodweb processes: an ecosystem approach to sustainable sandeel fisheries in the North Sea: IMPRESS final report. NIOZ-rapport, 2005-5: pp. 152-156, more
Harris, M.P.; Wanless, S.; Murray, S.; Leitch, A.; Wilson, L.J. (2003). Counts of Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica in the Firth of Forth, south-east Scotland in 2003. Atlant. Seabirds 5(3): 101-110, more
Rothery, P.; Harris, M.P.; Wanless, S.; Shaw, D.N. (2002). Colony size, adult survival rates, productivity and population projections of black-legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla on Fair Isle. Atlant. Seabirds 4(1): 17-28, more
- Harris, M.P.; Wanless, S. (2001). Razorbills Alca torda succesfully rearing young Common Guillemots Uria aalge. Atlant. Seabirds 3(2): 89-96, more
Harris, M.P.; Bull, J.; Wanless, S. (2000). Common Guillemots Uria aalge successfully feed two chicks = Zeekoeten voederen met succes twee kuikens. Atlant. Seabirds 2(2): 92-94, more
Harris, M.P.; Wanless, S.; Rothery, P. (2000). Adult survival rates of Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Common Guillemot Uria aalge, Razorbill Alca torda, Puffin Fratercula arctica and Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla on the Isle of May 1986-96. Atlant. Seabirds 2(3-4): 133-150, more
Book chapter [show] |
- Durant, J.M.; Stenseth, N.Ch.; Anker-Nilssen, T.; Harris, M.P.; Thompson, P.M.; Wanless, S. (2004). Marine birds and climate fluctuation in the North Atlantic, in: Stenseth, N.Ch. et al. (Ed.) Marine ecosystems and climate variation. The North Atlantic: a comparative perspective. pp. 95-105, more
Abstracts (5) [show] |
Ashbrook, K.; Harris, M.P.; Wanless, S.; Hamer, K. (2009). The neighbours from hell: adult-chick aggression in common guillemots, in: Stienen, E. et al. Seabird Group 10th International Conference Book of Abstracts, Brugge, Belgium 27-30 March 2009. VLIZ Special Publication, 42: pp. 5, more
Barlow, E.; Daunt, F.; Reid, J.; Cavers, S.; Wanless, S. (2009). The function of dispersal as a response to climate change in a long-lived seabird, in: Stienen, E. et al. Seabird Group 10th International Conference Book of Abstracts, Brugge, Belgium 27-30 March 2009. VLIZ Special Publication, 42: pp. 7, more
Barlow, E.; Daunt, F.; Cavers, S.; Wanless, S. (2009). Telomere length in common terns in relation to age, reproduction and survival, in: Stienen, E. et al. Seabird Group 10th International Conference Book of Abstracts, Brugge, Belgium 27-30 March 2009. VLIZ Special Publication, 42: pp. 7, more
Daunt, F.; Afanasyev, V.; Adam, A.; Croxall, J.P.; Wanless, S. (2009). From cradle to early grave: juvenile mortality in European shags is related to poor foraging skills, in: Stienen, E. et al. Seabird Group 10th International Conference Book of Abstracts, Brugge, Belgium 27-30 March 2009. VLIZ Special Publication, 42: pp. 17, more
Thaxter, C.; Wanless, S.; Harris, M.P.; Daunt, F.; Benvenuti, S.; Watanuki, Y.; Grémillet, D.; Greenstreet, S.; Hamer, K. (2009). Flexibility of foraging behaviour in two pursuit-diving seabirds: the importance of prey transport constraints, in: Stienen, E. et al. Seabird Group 10th International Conference Book of Abstracts, Brugge, Belgium 27-30 March 2009. VLIZ Special Publication, 42: pp. 61, more
Report [show] |
- Watt, A.; Heip, C.; Grabherr, G.; Korn, H.; Sykes, M.; Cox, P.; Wanless, S.; Van den Hove, S.; Parr, T.; Cramer, W. (2006). Climate change and biodiversity in Europe : a review of impacts, policy responses, gaps in knowledge and barriers to the exchange of information between scientists and policy maker. Crown Copyright: London. 60 pp., more