Sea & health

Zee en gezondheid


The health of the ocean is closely tied to human health, as the ocean plays a critical role in regulating the earth’s climate and providing food and other resources. The ocean absorbs a significant portion of the carbon dioxide produced by human activities, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. The ocean also provides food for billions of people and is a source of medicine and other resources.

However, human activities such as pollution and overfishing are putting the ocean’s health at risk, which can have negative impact on human health. Human induced stressors can have cascading effects on the ocean’s health and the human communities that depend on it. Here, we investigate the health of the ocean, the human health, and the interactions between both. We rely on observations, models and experiments in order to understand the underlying mechanisms.


Where are All the (proglacial) Lake seDiments in the NOrth Sea Basin?

Proglacial lakes are believed to have existed in the southern North Sea. Evidence of these lakes is elusive. By using high-resolution geophysical data and cores, we will test the hypothesis that proglacial lakes were important features in the

Imaging data and services for aquatic science

This project will deploy, operate, validate, and promote a dedicated iMagine AI framework and platform, connected to EOSC and AI4EU, giving researchers in aquatic sciences open access to a diverse portfolio of AI based image analysis services and

PhD-project BluePsychology - How coastal environments improve psychological wellbeing: underlying mechanisms

The overall aim of this PhD is to assess the emotional mechanisms of awe and nostalgia as potential mediators in the effect of coastal environments on psychological wellbeing, and more specifically the reduction of stress.


Health implications of social and physical activities in coastal environments along the Belgian Coast.

Corona survey

Are visits to the coast associated with a higher mental health than visits to green or urban spaces and do they trigger emotions that positively mediate the relationship between these visits and mental health?


Technology & innovation Sea & health

New cost and time saving detection and identification method for marine microplastics

06/19/2024 - 15:58
For her PhD research, Nelle Meyers (VLIZ, ILVO, UGent) developed a new cost- and time-effective method for the detection and identification of microplastics in the marine environment. The semi-automatic method combines staining of microplastic particles with the fluorescent dye nile red and machine-learning algorithms. The method tested reliably for most types of polymers, even when the...