VLIZ young scientists' day 2009

Please do not be misled by the title ‘young scientists’ day’. While mainly providing a forum for young (pre-doctoral) researchers, we also hope to capture the attention of senior scientists. For this edition we have indeed been able to attract Trevor Platt, the executive director of the POGO community (Partnership for the Observation of the Global Oceans). POGO groups the major oceanographic institutes of the world. In his presentation Dr Platt will reveal which techniques are presently being used in global ocean observations.

To organize a successful meeting we count on your cooperation and input. The basis of an effective exchange of information are the poster presentations and/or demonstrations. We therefore would greatly appreciate receiving title, author(s) and English abstract (max. p. 1; template) of your proposed poster/demo presentation by 26 January 2009 at the latest. These abstracts will be published as a quotable VLIZ Special Publication. A jury and the public present will select the poster which they consider most entitled to receive an award during the afternoon session.

Again, a photo competition will be organized, the central theme this year being ‘sea researchers at work’. We welcome photos of researchers working in the field or in the laboratory. It should be clear which techniques are used, under what circumstances scientists work, but also how diverse and challenging this type of research can be. We look forward to your entries!

The contest is open to all participants present at the event. The digital pictures (max. 4 - minimum size 20x25cm and maximum 40x50cm - 300dpi, file: FamName_FirstName.jpg) should reach us prior to 6 February 2009 via info@vliz.be. VLIZ reserves the right – in the case of a mass participation – to retain only one or a few images. The winner, selected by the participants present and a professional photographer will receive an award at the end of the day.

Kindly confirm your participation via this registration form by 6 February 2009. More information can be obtained from the secretariat (info@vliz.be; tel. +32 (0)59 34 21 30) or directly from Jan Seys (jan.seys@vliz.be; tel. +32 (0)59 34 21 40).

We hope to welcome you again in large numbers on this VLIZ activity and appreciate any publicity you may give to this initiative.

Provinciehuis Boeverbos
Koning Leopold III-laan 41
B-8200 St Andries/Brugge
Road description

Friday 6 March 2009


    08.30 uur
    Registration – Welcome coffee – mounting of posters

    09.00 uur
    Jan Mees (Flanders Marine Institute VLIZ)

    09.05 uur
    Jan Tytgat (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Laboratory of Toxicology and Food Chemistry)
    Expectancies of a toxicologist: from sudden poisoning to miraculous discovery

    10.00 uur
    Tom Maris (University of Antwerp ­­- Ecosystem Management Research Group)
    Restoring ecosystem functions in a heavily disturbed estuary

    10.25 uur
    Guillaume Delefortrie (Flanders Hydraulics Research – Knowledge centre Manoeuvring in shallow and confined water)
    The effect of a muddy bottom on ship control

    10.50 uur

    11.20 uur
    Frank Bockelmann (Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Department of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry)
    Do burrowing organisms influence carbon processing on a global scale? A data mining approach

    11.45 uur
    Heroen Verbruggen (Ghent University – Research Group Phycology)
    Niche models of invasive seaweed species: predicting spread and areas at risk of suffering blooms

    12.10 uur
    Sandwich lunch

    13.00 uur
    Introduction to the afternoon programme

    13.05 uur
    Trevor Platt (Executive Director of the Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans POGO)
    Observing the ocean

    13.50 uur

  • Poster presentations and competition

  • Demonstrations of marine science activities by the Flanders Marine Data and Information Centre (VMDC) and others

  • Photo contest
  • 15.30 uur
    Presentations by the two winners of the ‘VLIZ Thesis Award Marine Sciences 2007’ and by the winner of the ‘VLIZ North Sea Award 2007’

    • Els Verfaillie (UGent, Department Geology and Soil Science, Renard Centre of Marine Geology)
      Development and validation of spatial distribution models of marine habitats, in support of the ecological valuation of the seabed
    • Steven De Meester (UGent, Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology)
      Occurrence and potential effects of microplastics in Belgian coastal waters
    • Elisabeth Robert (VUB, Plant Biology and Nature Management – APNA)
      Hydraulic architecture of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. along an ecological gradient in Gazi Bay (Kenia) – 2006-2007

    16.30 uur
    Presentation of the awards, including awards for the best posters and winners of the photo contest

    17.00 uur

Accessibility 'Provinciehuis Boeverbos'

By car
Click here for a road description.
From the E40 motorway (towards the coast as well as towards Brussels): Take exit 8 towards Bruges-Zeebrugge. Follow the N31 Expressway, turn left at the 4th traffic lights. At the roundabout, you go straight ahead (Koning Leopold III-laan). At the lights, go straight ahead again; some 100 metres further, the Provincial House Boeverbos is on your right-hand side. We recommend to park your car on Parking 03. This free parking place is situated on the other side of the Provincial House Boeverbos, next to the Bowling Stones and the Provincial House Olympia. At the end of the car park there is a footway leading towards the Provincial House, within 5 minutes of walking distance. Walk towards the fountains and follow the signs ‘ingang bezoekers’. There’s the building’s main entrance. Please report to the front desk on arrival, where you will be referred to the right location.

By public transport
Bruges station is located at 3 km. Every 10 minutes, there is a bus from the station. The next bus routes have a stop at ‘Boeverbos’:

  • Route 5: Centre - Station - Sint-Andries (Hermitage)
  • Route 15: Centre - Station - Sint-Andries (De Prange)
  • Route 52: Bruges -Gistel - Ostend
  • Route 53: Bruges - Jabbeke
  • Route 55: Bruges - Leke
  • The buses leave from the main exit of the station. The stop ‘Boeverbos’ is situated on ‘Gistelsesteenweg’ (after passing the supermarkets GB, Brico and Colruyt). There is a park across the street; go into the alley which leads to the park; you will see the Provincial House Boeverbos within walking distance.
    To get back to the station, you will have to get off the bus at the back of the station.
  • timetable buses De Lijn: route 5, route 15, route 52, route 53, route 55
  • timetable trains SNCB (Belgian rail network)