VLIZ Young Scientists' Day 2008 on Friday 29 February

To organize a successful meeting we count on your cooperation and input. The basis of an effective exchange of information are the poster presentations and/or demonstrations. We therefore would greatly appreciate receiving title, author(s) and English abstract (max. p. 1; following this template) of your poster/demo presentation by 20 January 2008 at the latest. These abstracts will be published as a quotable VLIZ Special Publication. A jury and the public present will select the poster which they consider most entitled to receive an award during the afternoon session.

Again, a photo competition will be organized, the central theme this year being sea research and sea related activities. The competition is open to all participants. The digital pictures (max. 4 - 20x25cm minimum size; maximum size 40x50cm - 300 dpi, file name: FamName_FirstName.jpg) should be forwarded to info@vliz.be by 20 January 2008 at the latest. In the event of a mass participation VLIZ has the right to retain only one or a few images. The winner, selected by the participants present and a professional photographer will receive an award at the end of the day.

Kindly confirm your participation via the registration form by February 9, 2008 at the latest.

More information can be obtained from the secretariat (info@vliz.be; tel. +32-(0)59-34 21 30) or directly from Jan Seys (jan.seys@vliz.be; Tel.: +32-(0)59-34 21 40). We hope to welcome you again in large numbers on this VLIZ activity and appreciate any publicity you may give to this initiative!

Location: Provinciehuis Boeverbos - Koning Leopold III-laan 41 - 8200 Brugge (Sint-Andries) - Description to location


08.30 uur Registration – Welcome coffee – mounting of posters
09.00 uur Jan Mees (VLIZ)
09.05 uur René Van Grieken (University of Antwerp, Center for Micro- and Trace Analysis)
The air quality over the North Sea: has it changed during the last 30 years?
10.00 uur Gregory Maes (KULeuven, Laboratory of Animal Diversity and Systematics Fish Genetics Group)
Is the European eel slipping away towards extinction? A review of research and management challenges
10.25 uur Griet De Backer & Charlotte Beels (UGent, Civil Engineering Dept)
Waves in the North Sea: powering our future?
10.50 uur Coffee/Tea
11.20 uur Jan Seys (Flanders Marine Institute - VLIZ)
‘Planeet Zee’: a new educational marine scientific project
11.45 uur Isabelle Dufour (UGent, Department of Geology and Soil Science, Renard Centre of Marine Geology – RCMG)
Mapping the seabed of the Belgian part of the North Sea to improve management
12.10 uur Lunch
13.00 uur Introduction to the afternoon programme
13.05 uur Han Lindeboom (Wageningen IMARES, The Netherlands)
The North Sea, past and present: shifting baselines and human uses
13.50 uur 1) Poster presentations and competition
2)Demonstrations of marine science activities by the Flanders Marine Data and Information Centre (VMDC) and others
15.30 uur Presentations by the two winners of the VLIZ Thesis Award Marine Sciences 2007 and by the winner of the VLIZ North Sea Award 2007:
  • Virginie Demaerel (UGent, Marine Biology Section)
    Onderzoek naar de verspreiding van vlokreeftjes van het genus Bathyporeia (Crustacea, Amphipoda) met behulp van genetische merkers
  • Sarah Denys (VUB, Geografie, Fysisch milieu)
    De contrasterende Holocene sediment successie langsheen het westelijk en oostelijk deel van de Belgische kust: oorzaak en gevolgen
  • Vandendriessche Sofie (UGent, Marine Biology Section)
    Floating seaweed as ephemeral neustonic habitat
16.30 uur Presentation of the awards, including awards for the best posters and winners of the photo contest
17.00 uur Reception