28 / 01 / 2016
Photo: Jens Moerman (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
The vibrocorer is driven by electrical motors that produce a vibration force of 89 kN. These vibrations drive the barrel, up to 3 m, into the seabed. The vibration force is high enough to sample consolidated sediments. By raising the vibrocorer a core catcher prevents the sediment from leaving the PVC liner. Once back aboard, the vibrocorer is set in horizontal position to recover the core barrel.
VLIZ bought the vibrocorer in the summer of 2015. After some technical adjustments, the vibrocorer was deployed succesfully aboard the RV Simon Stevin in January 2016. The device is now fully operational and available for the benefit of marine scientists.
Read more on how the device works (in word and images), who/what projects are using it and how one can loan it in the information sheet.
Contact: Andre Cattrijsse (andre.cattrijsse@vliz.be)