08 / 09 / 2016
Laureates of the VLIZ Master Thesis Award 2015. Thomas Mestdagh (left) and Gaëtan De Gryse (right). Photo: VLIZ - Reynaert Stefanie.
Each year VLIZ awards two young promising marine scientists with the VLIZ Master Thesis Award – until last year named the VLIZ Thesis Award Marine Sciences.
Condition to participate is that one did not graduate more than two years ago from a Flemish university or university college on a marine related subject. Both fundamental and applied research topics in all branches of the marine sciences are eligible.
One top-level thesis is chosen from all biological entries, and one from all non-biological entries. The prices amount each EUR 500. The VLIZ Master Thesis Award 2016 will be presented on the 17th VLIZ Marine Science Day which will take place on Friday 3 March 2017. Mark this date in your agenda and make sure to be there!
More information on the selection procedure and criteria for participation: see regulation (in Dutch) and VLIZ-website. The application form (in Dutch) can be found here. An overview of the previous laureates and their theses can be consulted here.