06 / 02 / 2018
Research activities on board of the RV Simon Stevin (VLIZ)
The research framework describes the research themes VLIZ wants to actively pursue and transparently communicates VLIZ’ research ambitions. The implementation of the research activities in concrete projects will be detailed in yearly work plans/research agendas. Research by VLIZ aims to create an added value in the Belgian marine research landscape through multidisciplinary research activities.
In the implementation of this research framework, there will be three possible roles for VLIZ. For data or infrastructure driven research activities, VLIZ can initiate, lead and perform research (preferably in collaboration with other research groups when relevant and possible). For research activities outside the active field of Flemish Marine Research Groups, VLIZ can initiate, lead and perform complementary research, seeking collaboration with other research groups through an Ad hoc Expert group. For detected research needs in the field of currently active Marine Research Groups, VLIZ will stimulate the initiation of projects lead by the respective Marine Research Groups and promote and take part in interdisciplinary collaboration when relevant and possible, offering the possibility to compose an Ad hoc Expert group. The Scientific Board will be notified of all Expert group meetings and initiated research projects.
Research at VLIZ is structured in six large research themes, most of which are sub-divided in sub-themes:
- Ocean Services in a Changing Ocean
- Ocean Past
- Ocean Observation
- The Ocean and Human Health
- Policy driven and Responsive Mode Research
- Blue Sky Research
All themes allow for a multidisciplinary approach to fundamental as well as applied research. Whereas themes I to IV have a certain focus in their content, themes V and VI have a broader scope. This does not reflect an unlimited research ambition, but allows VLIZ to respond to new policy-driven research needs (complementary to or in collaboration with policy supporting research institutions), and to collaborate with other research groups in high-risk research or to perform fast research related to out-of-the-box ideas. Multidisciplinary Centres of Excellence and enabling platforms will support research at VLIZ as well as in Flemish Marine Research Groups.
The core activities of VLIZ to support marine research at Flemish universities and knowledge institutions are continued. VLIZ keeps on providing access to the research vessel Simon Stevin and other research equipment and infrastructure, develops data systems and data products and manages research data at the service of Marine Research Groups. The VLIZ library is a gateway for marine scientists and the wider public to various collections of physical documents and online information, contributing to the enhancement, visibility and use of the Flemish marine scientific output. Policy relevant products and services, such as the Compendium for Coast and Sea are provided to the marine research community, policy makers and industry. VLIZ is a strong advocate of Ocean Literacy and promotes Flemish marine scientific research through exhibitions, public meetings, publications, public presentations, websites, seminars, workshops and symposia.
The research framework is accessible from the VLIZ-library and will be elucidated at the VLIZ Marine Science Day the 21st of March in Bredene.