03 / 11 / 2015
The acquisition of a measuring system for aeolian sand transport was presented by the Flanders Hydraulics Research, the department Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and the department Civil Engineering (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). This measuring system will gain a clear insight into the morphological evolution of beaches and dunes. These are part of the coastal protection that is under the influence of urbanization and climate change. The system is a combination of several devices measuring distinct parameters including wind, gradation of sand, vegetation, bathymetry/topography and moisture.
The proposal to invest in a set-up for acidification experiments with algae at the Marine Station Ostend (MSO) was submitted by research groups of the University of Ghent including the Phycology, Marine Biology and the Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology research group. Using this set-up, the effects of acidification and/or temperature on the physiology of certain species of weeds can be investigated. Some parameters that could be studied are: growth, photosynthesis, calcification and accumulation of certain substances.
The multi-transducer parametrical echosounder (SES-2000 Quattro) provides ultra-high resolution three-dimensional acoustic data of the seabed and the shallow subsurface. The instrument is unique concerning its high level of detail in mapping the upper meters of the subsurface. This opens possibilities for new marine research subjects in archeology, sedimentology, geology, building technology, hydrodynamic, geotechnology and ecology. This proposal received support letters from 21 research groups, institutes and companies distributed in Belgium and Europe.
As it applies for all equipment and research infrastructure of VLIZ, the three new instruments are put at the disposal of the Flemish and international community of marine researchers.
For more information about these instruments and about the next call for proposals to invest in the marine research infrastructure of VLIZ, you can contact Andre Cattrijsse.
The proposal to invest in a set-up for acidification experiments with algae at the Marine Station Ostend (MSO) was submitted by research groups of the University of Ghent including the Phycology, Marine Biology and the Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology research group. Using this set-up, the effects of acidification and/or temperature on the physiology of certain species of weeds can be investigated. Some parameters that could be studied are: growth, photosynthesis, calcification and accumulation of certain substances.
The multi-transducer parametrical echosounder (SES-2000 Quattro) provides ultra-high resolution three-dimensional acoustic data of the seabed and the shallow subsurface. The instrument is unique concerning its high level of detail in mapping the upper meters of the subsurface. This opens possibilities for new marine research subjects in archeology, sedimentology, geology, building technology, hydrodynamic, geotechnology and ecology. This proposal received support letters from 21 research groups, institutes and companies distributed in Belgium and Europe.
As it applies for all equipment and research infrastructure of VLIZ, the three new instruments are put at the disposal of the Flemish and international community of marine researchers.
For more information about these instruments and about the next call for proposals to invest in the marine research infrastructure of VLIZ, you can contact Andre Cattrijsse.