21 / 02 / 2006
Since the tsunami of the 26th December 2004, early warning systems for tsunami’s and other sea-related disasters are being set up; also in other regions than the Indian Ocean. The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO plays an international key role in their development. In this context two new persons are needed to enforce the team on ‘Tsunami Warning & Mitigation System in the Indian Ocean and other risk sensitive regions’. One person is needed to work from the head office in Paris to run the tsunami coordination unit. The other job concerns a position in Perth (Australia), and implies the management of the secretariat of the ‘Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System’ (ICG/IOTWS). More information can be found on http://ioc.unesco.org (news item of ’31 January 2006: Two positions are opened to recruitment at IOC’.)