24 / 06 / 2017

Photo: VLIZ (De Wulf)
The philanthropy activities of the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) vzw subscribes the Code of Ethics of the Association for Ethics in Fundraising. This encompasses informing the donors about the realizations that could take place thanks to the obtained funds. Through the annual report (only available in Dutch) we are pleased to give an overview of the accomplishments in 2016.
The publication covers a looking back on the VLIZ Members' Day, the call for 'Brilliant Marine Research Ideas', a glimpse into the citizen science network SeaWatch-B, an explanation about the support for the WoRMS editors, for the 'Protect Marine Life Chile' project, as well as an introduction to the travel grants within the framework of a north-south cooperation.
An overview of the incomes and the expenses of the VLIZ philanthropy activities in 2016 can be consulted on the VLIZ site.