On 12 and 13 October Ostend, Belgium will be the scene of the EurOCEAN2010 conference. This top-meeting of European marine scientists and policy makers is held here within the frame of the Belgian presidency.
At the end of the conference the “Ostend Declaration” will be launched. The document will stress the importance of marine and maritime science and technology for the European economy and society. It will also identify the European needs in research infrastructures, supporting mechanisms and policy structures to tackle the grand challenges of marine research and technology in the forthcoming decade. Shortly, the "Ostend declaration" will be thé opportunity to demonstrate that marine science and technology have to become an important pillar in the development of Europe.
In consultation with key European marine and maritime science stakeholder organisations and networks, a drafting group chaired by Dr Kostas Nittis (Research Director of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research in Athens) has prepared a draft Ostend Declaration which will be open for support and comments until 4th October 2010. Take a look on www.eurocean2010.eu/declaration and express your support and/or comments before the 4th of October.