Now also measurement data available on the Flemish-Dutch knowledge platform ScheldeMonitor

The ScheldeMonitor is thé Flemish-Dutch knowledge platform for the Scheldt estuary ( You can use it to find all kind of information on persons and institutes that perform research and cross-border monitoring in the estuary. Also information on their projects and publications and the metadata on their data sets produced.

Now the ScheldeMonitor is extended with a data portal: It provides access to the actual measurement data itself, but also to derived data products and GIS information. The physical, biological and chemical measurement data are originating from several data suppliers and can be consulted now in an integrated way.

This data portal is developed by order of the Maritime Access division of the Flemish government. The current version online is the first official version. It is our intention to extend the portal in the future so that more and more Scheldt data can be found here.

The data portal of the ScheldeMonitor is also put into service to make all data generated by the integrated monitoring programme MONEOS centrally available. MONEOS is developed by the Flemish and Dutch governments as a result of the deepening of the channel. The data portal is thus becoming an important policy-supporting instrument in the evaluation of the impact the deepening has.

All your comments and feedback on the use and content of the data portal is welcome: via the email or via the feedback form on the website.