Looking back at the VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day 2011

By means of the 94 abstracts submitted to the abstract book ons can get a nice overview of the current marine research in Flanders and around.

Twenty contestants were invited to prepare a short pitch presentation (max. 5 minutes) for the plenary session. The others could present their work during the poster session. The audience could vote for the best chat and the best scientific poster.

Top-3 pitch presentations:

1: Jan Reubens - Site fidelity and movements of cod (Gadus morhua) at a wind farm using acoustic telemetry [PDF Icon]

2: Frederik De Laender - Cocktails in the Arctic: are the polar bears loaded yet? [PDF I


3: Joke Hollants - The Art Nouveau of biology: exhibiting seaweed-bacterial symbioses [PDF Icon]

Top-3 scientific posters:

1: Braarup Cuykens Ann, Michiel Claessens, Hannelore Maelfait, Elien Dewitte, Annelies Goffin, Eric W.M. Stienen & Colin R. Janssen - Sea, beach and b irds: plastics everywhere [PDF Icon]

2: Coates Delphine, Jan Vanaverbeke & Magda Vincx - A close up on the soft-sediment macrobenthos around offshore wind turbines [PDF Icon]

3a: Haelters Jan, Francis Kerckhof, Thierry G. Jacques & Steven Degraer - The harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena in the Belgian part of the North Sea: trends in abundance and distribution [PDF Icon]

3b: Van Hoey Gert & Kris Hostens - The use of benthic indicators for environmental status assessment [PDF Icon]

The Key-note speakers:

  • Christiane Lancelot (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Ecologie des Systèmes Aquatiques) - Ocean science: research with no boundary [PDF Icon]

  • Waddah Saab (European Commision DG RTD; coordinator EU strategy marine & maritime research) - Marine science and technology for Healthy and Productive Seas: what is the EU doing? [PDF Icon]
  • Pictures: in the VLIZ photo gallery

    VLIZ North Sea Award 2010:

  • dr. Marijn Rabaut: 'Lanice conchilega, fisheries and conservation: towards an ecosystem approach to marine management' - [Ph.D. thesis] [PDF Icon]
  • VLIZ Thesis Award Marine Sciences 2010:

  • Thomas Vandorpe: 'Seismic stratigraphy of Plio-Pleistocene deposits on the shelf edge SW off Mallorca, Spain' - [M.Sc. scriptie UGent - RCMG] [PDF Icon]
  • Quinten Vanhellemont: 'Use of MODIS imagery for the assessment of the variability in intertidal microphytobenthos biomass at regional and global scales' - [M.Sc. scriptie UGent - MARELAC] [PDF Icon]