IODE Seminars II: Satellite Wind and Wave Products for Marine Forecasting

Each year several top scientists visit the IOC Project Office for IODE in Oostende to cooperate in projects on oceanography, oceanographic data- and information management and marine biodiversity. In order to give marine scientists in Flanders the opportunity to stay informed about the latest developments in the field of oceanography in general and marine data and information management, marine biodiversity and ocean modeling in particular the IOC Project Office for IODE has started with the organisation of scientific seminars. These IODE Seminars are open to the wide marine science community in Flanders and abroad.

In the week of 14 to 18 December Ostend is the host of an international course for the implementing of satelite wind and wave producten in marine forecasts. European and American specialists train 30 participants from all over the world. (more information)

Couplped to this training course a afternoon seminar is organised on op Monday 14th of December 2009, where three top-scientists of EUMETSAT, WMO and NOAA present their work to you: IODE Seminar II: Satellite Wind and Wave Products for Marine Forecasting.

Programme 14th December 2009:

16.00 - 16.30 Dr Mikael Rattenborg
EUMETSAT and Ocean Monitoring
European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
16.30 - 17.00 Dr Barbara Ryan
Towards a truly integrated global observing system
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
17.00 - 17.30 Dr Stan Wilson
Use of Satellite Scatterometer-Wind & Altimeter-Wave Observations for Operational Forecasting in Southern Hemisphere GMDSS MetAreas
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
17.30 - 18.30 Drink, offeren by UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE

IOC Project Office for IODE
Conference hall
InnovOcean site, Wandelaarkaai 7
8400 Oostende

More information:
Wouter Rommens
IOC Project Office for IODE
Wandelaarkaai 7
8400 Oostende

Download the pdf with all information.

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Will be present on the IODE Seminar II "Satellite Wind and Wave Products for Marine Forecasting”

on Monday 14 December 2009, 16h00 and will stay for the reception offered by IODE (17h30-18h30).
