Call for abstracts for VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day on 24 February 2012!

Deadline abstracts:
9 December 2011

The 'VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day' will again try to highlight the diversity, quality and relevance of marine and coastal sciences in Flanders with an extensive poster session and a selection of pitching presentations.

In order to duly prepare this comprehensive poster session – a snapshot of 'the state of marine science in Flanders' – we challenge all marine and coastal scientists to prepare a short abstract (max. 500 words: follow the template) by 9 December 2011, in which your research is presented in a clear, concise and attractive way. All abstracts will be published in a ‘VLIZ Special Publication’.

Twenty abstracts will be selected for a plenary oral presentation (very short, 5 minutes only!). A PowerPoint presentation of max. 5 slides will be allowed, though we challenge those who want to go a step further to work without PPT. A remarkable object or piece of literature (which can be displayed plenary with a camera-system) can do.

Please note: to increase the probability that your abstract is selected for an oral presentation, write it in a language that is easy to understand and sounds fascinating for the evaluators.

We hope to stimulate all scientists to present their research in an exciting way and to communicate this fascinating science – and its importance to society – to the wider public.

The final programme will follow early January 2012.

Tentative programme

Registration – Welcome coffee – mounting of posters

Jan Mees (VLIZ)

Key-note presentation

10 pitching presentations


10 pitching presentations

Sandwich lunch

Introduction to the afternoon programme

Key-note presentation

- Poster presentations and competition
- Demonstrations of marine science activities by the VLIZ Marine Data and Information Centre (VMDC) and others

Presentations by the two winners of the ‘VLIZ Thesis Award Marine Sciences 2011’ and by the winner of the ‘VLIZ North Sea Award 2011’

Presentation of the awards, including awards for the best pitching presentation and best posters



Katholieke Hogeschool Brugge-Oostende (KHBO)
Xaverianenstraat 10
8200 Brugge

From 08:30-17:30