8 June: World Ocean Day on a sea in constant change


20:00 Jan Mees - director VLIZ
Welcome & launch of annual newspaper on sea and coast: Zeekrant 2011 (www.zeekrant.be)

20:10 Karen Rappé - European Climate project CLAMER (www.clamer.eu)
The sea in a changing climate
What effects of climate change are already being felt and what can we expect? How the North Sea is doing in comparison with other European seas? And what does this mean for us?

20:40 Nancy Fockedey - author seafood section of the marine journal “De Grote Rede
Where did all the fish go?
About how man is the greatest predator of the sea, and how the fish species on your plate are doing. Will we soon all a jellyfish sandwich?

21:10 Jan Seys - author of the book “Our Coast, Another View”
A trip into the past of the sea and marine research
Giant tuna and sharks, vast oyster beds, and grassy sea beds … This is how the North Sea looked, not even so long ago!


Katholieke Hogeschool Brugge-Oostende (KHBO)
Auditorium Montanus-Vives
Xaverianenstraat 10
8200 Brugge
How to reach?


Attending is free, but registration is nescessary via the registration form

Please note that if the maximum capacity of the marine life is reached, registrations may be refused. In this case you will be informed.

Organisation & Information

Flanders Marine Institute

InnovOcean site
Wandelaarkaai 7
B-8400 Oostende
Tel. +32-(0)59-34 21 30
Fax +32-(0)59-34 21 31

Other activities within the frame of World Ocean Day 2011 in Belgium:

  • 5 juni - Aquatopia, Antwerpen
    World Ocean Day is en event to celebrate the oceans but also to focus some of the current threats to current life and how to tackle them. Themes of this year's event are sharks, overfishing, acidification and plastic pollution.
    Organisation: Sea first Foundation & Aquatopia - [More information]
  • Programme world wide
    via the website of The Ocean project - [More information]