Reviving the ocean economy: the case for action - 2015
Hoegh-Guldberg, O.; Beal, D.; Chaudhry. Taz, T.; Elhaj, H.; Abdullat, A.; Etessy, P.; Smits, M. (2015). Reviving the ocean economy: the case for action - 2015. WWF International: Gland. ISBN 978-2-940529-18-6. 60 pp.
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Authors | | Top |
- Hoegh-Guldberg, O.
- Beal, D.
- Chaudhry. Taz, T.
- Elhaj, H.
- Abdullat, A.
- Etessy, P.
- Smits, M.
Abstract |
The evidence is clear: the ocean is a major contributor to the globaleconomy, but its asset base is being rapidly eroded. To restore theocean’s productive capacity before it is too late, the world must takeurgent action. This report charts a clear course for reviving the oceaneconomy. The tools to solve the problem are proven: now the worldneeds leadership. The first priority must be for all countries to committo ramping up the effective conservation of coastal and marine habitatin their juridictions, and to support a global agreement on sustainabledevelopment at the United Nations that reflects this resolve and sharedresponsibility. 2015 is the crucial year to forge this global effort and tosee action to reduce the worst impacts of climate change. These actionsin particular will help to revive the ocean and its powerhouse economy. |