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A1 Publication [show] |
Guinotte, J.M.; Bartley, J.D.; Iqbal, A.; Fautin, D.G.; Buddemeier, R.W. (2006). Modeling habitat distribution from organism occurrences and environmental data: case study using anemonefishes and their sea anemone hosts. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 316: 269-283., more
Abstract [show] |
- Fautin, D.G.; Guinotte, J.M.; Maxwell, B.A.; Bartley, J.D.; Iqbal, A.; Buddemeier, R.W. (2004). Predicting and understanding biogeographic ranges from occurrence records and correlated environmental data: a method-development study using clownfishes and their sea anemone hosts, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 46, more