Université de Namur; Unité de recherche en Biologie Environnementale et Evolutive (URBE), more
Book chapters (4) [show] |
- Fiogbé, E.D.; Kestemont, P.; Micha, J.-C.; Mélard, C. (1995). Comparative growth of Perca fluviatilis larvae fed with enriched and standard Artemia metanauplii (instar II), frozen Artemia nauplii and dry food, in: Lavens, P. et al. (Ed.) Larvi '95: Fish & Shellfish Symposium, Gent, Belgium, September 3-7, 1995. EAS Special Publication, 24: pp. 166-169, more
- Kestemont, P.; Fiogbé, E.D.; Parfait, O.; Micha, J.-C.; Mélard, C. (1995). Relationship between weaning size, growth, survival and cannibalism in the common perch larvae Perca fluviatilis: preliminary data, in: Lavens, P. et al. (Ed.) Larvi '95: Fish & Shellfish Symposium, Gent, Belgium, September 3-7, 1995. EAS Special Publication, 24: pp. 285-288, more
- Awaïss, A.; Kestemont, P.; Micha, J.-C. (1993). Etude du premier alevinage du poisson-chat africain, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), avec le rotifère d'eau douce, Branchionus calyciflorus (Pallas), in: Barnabé, G. et al. (Ed.) Production, environment and quality: Proceedings of the International Conference Bordeaux Aquaculture '92, Bordeaux, France, March 25-27, 1992. EAS Special Publication, 18: pp. 443-453, more
- Micha, J.-C.; N'Guessan, B.; Van Hove, C. (1989). The aquatic fern Azolla as feed for fish, in: De Pauw, N. et al. (Ed.) Aquaculture: a biotechnology in progress: volume 1. pp. 677-681, more
Report [show] |
Kirchmann, R.; Lambinon, J.; Maisin, J.; Micha, J.-C.; Myttenaere, C.; Sironval, C. (1985). L'impact des rejets de la Centrale nucléaire de Tihange (Belgique) sur l' écosystème Meuse: Études in situ et recherches expérimentales durant la période 1981-1984. Contrat B10-B-330-81-B avec la Commission des Communautés européennes, BLG 573. Imprimerie Coopérative: Huy. 48 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
- Micha, J.-C. (1971). Densité de population, âge et croissance du barbeau Barbus barbus (L.) et de l'ombre Thymallus thymallus (L.) dans L'Ourthe. Ann. Hydrobiol. 2(1): 47-68, more
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |