Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille; LAboratoire de Spectrochimie Infrarouge et Raman; Physicochimie de l’environnement, more
Function: PhD student
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Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen & Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Chemie; Analytical, Environmental and Geochemistry (AMGC), more
Function: PhD student
- New Strategies for monitoring and risk assessment of Hazardous chemicals in the marine Environment with Passive Samplers, more
- Gaulier, C.; Gao, Y.; Baeyens, W.; Research group Analytical, Environmental and Geochemistry (AMGC). VUB: Belgium; (2020): Analysis of metals in the harbours of Oostende and Zeebrugge and the Belgian coastal zone., more
- Gaulier, C.; Gao, Y.; Baeyens, W.; Research group Analytical, Environmental and Geochemistry (AMGC). VUB: Belgium; (2020): Particulate carbon, nitrogen and stable isotope determination of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in the harbours of Oostende and Zeebrugge and the Belgian coastal zone., more
A1 Publications (6) [show] |
- Gaulier, C.; Zhou, C.; Gao, Y.; Guo, W.; Reichstädter, M.; Ma, T.; Baeyens, W.; Billon, G. (2021). Investigation on trace metal speciation and distribution in the Scheldt estuary. Sci. Total Environ. 757: 143827. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143827, more
- Reichstädter, M.; Gao, Y.; Diviš, P.; Ma, T.; Gaulier, C.; Leermakers, M. (2021). Cysteine-modified silica resin in DGT samplers for mercury and trace metals assessment. Chemosphere 263: 128320. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128320, more
Zhou, C.; Gaulier, C.; Luo, M.; Guo, W.; Baeyens, W.; Gao, Y. (2020). Fine scale measurements in Belgian coastal sediments reveal different mobilization mechanisms for cationic trace metals and oxyanions. Environ. Int. 145: 106140. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2020.106140, more
- Zhou, C.; Gao, Y.; Gaulier, C.; Luo, M.; Zhang, X.; Bratkic, A.; Davison, W.; Baeyens, W. (2020). Advances in understanding mobilization processes of trace metals in marine sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54(23): 15151-15161. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1021/acs.est.0c05954, more
- Gao, Y.; Zhou, C.; Gaulier, C.; Bratkic, A.; Galceran, J.; Puy, J.; Zhang, H.; Leermakers, M.; Baeyens, W. (2019). Labile trace metal concentration measurements in marine environments: from coastal to open ocean areas. Trends Anal. Chem. 116: 92-101. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2019.04.027, more
- Gaulier, C.; Zhou, C.; Guo, W.; Bratkic, A.; Superville, P.-J.; Billon, G.; Baeyens, W.; Gao, Y. (2019). Trace metal speciation in North Sea coastal waters. Sci. Total Environ. 692: 701-712. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.314, more
Thesis [show] |
Gaulier, C. (2020). Trace metals in estuarine and coastal waters: Dynamics, speciation and bioavailability under various environmental conditions. PhD Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel/Université de Lille: Brussel/Rijsel. 314 pp., more
Abstracts (6) [show] |
Gaulier, C. (2021). Trace metals in estuarine and coastal waters: dynamics, speciation and bioavailability under various environmental conditions, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, Online event 3 March 2021. VLIZ Special Publication, 85: pp. 9-10, more
Gaulier, C.; Zhou, C.; Leermakers, M.; Billon, G.; Gao, Y. (2020). Trace metal speciation in anoxic waters: stunning diving in the depths of the Baltic Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 18 March 2020. VLIZ Special Publication, 84: pp. 92, more
Zhou, C.; Gaulier, C.; Luo, M.; Bratkic, A.; Zhang, X.; Baeyens, W.; Gao, Y. (2020). Advances in understanding the mobilization of trace metals and dissolved sulfide in Belgian coastal and Gotland basin sediments, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 18 March 2020. VLIZ Special Publication, 84: pp. 42, more
Gaulier, C.; Superville, P.-J.; Guo, W.; Baeyens, W.; Billon, B.; Gao, Y. (2018). The geochemical behaviour of trace metals in the surface water of the Belgian Coastal Zone, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 13, more
Gaulier, C.; Superville, P.-J.; Guo, W.; Baeyens, W.; Billon, G.; Gao, Y. (2017). The geochemical behaviour of trace metals in the water column of the Belgian Coastal Zone, in: Goldschmidt 2017: Book of abstracts, Paris, France 13-18 August 2017. , more
Gaulier, C.; Superville, P.-J.; Guo, W.; Bayens, W.; Gao, Y.; Billon, G. (2017). Study of geochemical behaviour of pollutants in the Belgian coastal marine environment, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 37, more
Report [show] |
Parmentier, K.; Adamopoulou, A.; Roose, P.; Baetens, K.; Lacroix, G.; Moeris, S.; Hansul, S.; De Schamphelaere, K.; Vanryckeghem, F.; Demeestere, K.; Van Langenhove, H.; Vanhaecke, L.; Huysman, S.; Gaulier, C.; Guo, W.; Baeyens, W.; Gao, Y.; Smedes, F. (2020). New Strategies for monitoring and risk assessment of Hazardous chemicals in the marine Environment with Passive Samplers. Belgian Science Policy Office: Brussels. 136 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
Gaulier, C.; Superville, P.-J.; Guo, W.; Baeyens, W.; Billon, G.; Gao, Y. (2017). Study of geochemical behaviour of pollutants in the Belgian coastal marine environment. Poster presented at the VLIZ Marine Science Day 3 March 2017. Vrije Universiteit Brussel/Université de Lille 1: Brussel, Villeneuve d'Ascq. 1 poster pp., more