Université Libre de Bruxelles; Faculté des Sciences; Evolutionary Biology & Ecology, more
A1 Publication [show] |
Jossart, Q.; Wattier, A; Kastally, C.; Aron, S.; David, B; De Ridder, C.; Rigaud, T (2014). Genetic evidence confirms polygamous mating system in a crustacean parasite with multiple hosts. PLoS One 9(3). dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0090680, more
Abstract [show] |
Jossart, J.; Wattier, R.A.; Kastally, C.; Aron, S.; David, B.; De Ridder, C.; Rigaud, T. (2014). Genetic evidence confirms polygamous mating system in a crustacean parasite with multiple hosts, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 7 March 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 67: pp. 72, more