Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Onderzoeksgroep Terrestrische Ecologie (TEREC), more
A1 Publication [show] |
- Leclaire, S; Blanchard, P; White, J; Hatch, A; Danchin, E (2013). Symmetry of black wingtips is related to clutch size and integument coloration in Black-legged Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). The Auk 130(3): 541-547. dx.doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.13044, more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Bulteel, L.; Reyserhove, L.; Macke, E.; Lens, L.; Teyssier, A.; White, J.; Rouffaer, L.O.; Baardsen, L.F.; Bonte, D.; Raeymakers, J.; Hablützel, P.; Heylen, D.; Stoks, R.; Ruyts, S.; Martel, A.; Verheyen, K.; Volckaert, F.; Hendrickx, F.; Matthysen, E.; Decaestecker, E. (2018). Parasitisme en symbiose: wat verandert er in de stad? Natuur.Focus 17(2): 75-81, more