Universiteit Utrecht; Faculteit Geowetenschappen; Department of Earth Sciences - Geochemistry, more
A1 Publication [show] |
- Stam, M.C.; Mason, P.R.D.; Laverman, A.M.; Pallud, C.; Van Cappellen, P. (2011). 34S/32S fractionation by sulfate-reducing microbial communities in estuarine sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75(14): 3903-3914. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2011.04.022, more
Book chapters (3) [show] |
Stam, M. (2010). Sulfur isotope fraction in an estuarine sediment during enhancement or partial inhibition of microbial sulfate reduction - A preliminary study, in: Stam, M. Sulfur isotopes as a tracer for biogenic sulfate reduction in natural environments - A link between modern and ancient ecosystems. Geologica Ultraiectina, 316: pp. 107-126, more
Stam, M. (2010). General trends in sulfur isotope fractionation produced by natural communities of sulfate reducing prokaryotes studied in flow-through reactors - Implications for the interpretation of the geological record, in: Stam, M. Sulfur isotopes as a tracer for biogenic sulfate reduction in natural environments - A link between modern and ancient ecosystems. Geologica Ultraiectina, 316: pp. 127-148, more
Stam, M.C.; Mason, P.R.D.; Laverman, A.M.; Pallud, C.; Van Cappellen, P. (2010). Controls on sulfate reduction and sulfur isotope fractionation by natural microbial communities in sediments from the Schelde Estuary, The Netherlands, in: Stam, M. Sulfur isotopes as a tracer for biogenic sulfate reduction in natural environments - A link between modern and ancient ecosystems. Geologica Ultraiectina, 316: pp. 41-64, more
Thesis [show] |
Stam, M. (2010). Sulfur isotopes as a tracer for biogenic sulfate reduction in natural environments - A link between modern and ancient ecosystems. Geologica Ultraiectina, 316. PhD Thesis. Utrecht University, Faculty of Geosciences: Utrecht. ISBN 978-90-5744-178-3. 184 pp., more