- MONEOS-Projectgroep Monitoring en Databeheer, more
- MWTL biological monitoring network Westerschelde: Vegetation mapping tidal areas: Monitoring Seagrass, more
- MWTL biological monitoring network Westerschelde: Waterbirds, more
Book chapters (4) [show] |
Bot, P.V.M.; Van Raaphorst, W.; Batten, S.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Philippart, K.; Radach, G.; Frohse, A.; Schultz, H.; Van den Eynde, D.; Colijn, F. (1996). Annual variability in the seasonal cycles of chlorophyll, nutrients and zooplankton on the North-West European continental shelf, in: NOWESP: 2. Compilation of scientific reports. pp. 7 [1-19], more
- Radach, G.; Gekeler, J.; Becker, G.; Bot, P.; Castaing, P.; Colijn, F.; Damm, P.; Danielssen, D.; Føyn, L.; Gamble, J.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Mommaerts, J.-P.; Nehring, D.; Pegler, K.; Van Raaphorst, W.; Wilson, J. (1996). The NOWESP Research Data Base, in: NOWESP: 2. Compilation of scientific reports. pp. 3 [1-24], more
- Visser, M.; Batten, S.; Becker, G.; Bot, P.; Colijn, F.; Damm, P.; Danielssen, D.; Van den Eynde, D.; Føyn, L.; Frohse, A.; Groeneveld, G.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Van Raaphorst, W.; Radach, G.; Schultz, H.; Sündermann, J. (1996). Time series analysis of monthly mean data of temperature, salinity, nutrients, suspended matter, phyto- and zooplankton at eight locations on the North-West European Shelf, in: NOWESP: 2. Compilation of scientific reports. pp. 5 [1-37], more
- Bot, P.V.M.; Van den Hoek, C. (1990). The application of DNA-DNA hybridization in seaweeds and DNA divergence between some amphi-Atlantic Cladophora (Cladophorales, Chlorophyta) species, in: Garbary, D.J. et al. (Ed.) Evolutionary biogeography of the marine algae of the North Atlantic. NATO ASI Series G: Ecological sciences, 22: pp. 131-145, more
Reports (4) [show] |
- Bot, P.; Roos, M.; Mertens, W. (2014). Verslag afstemming monitoring - Broedvogels, juni 2014. Vlaams-Nederlandse Scheldecommissie (VNSC): Bergen op Zoom. 9 pp., more
Spronk, G.; Breine, J.; Van den Bergh, E.; Goudswaard, P.C.; Bot, P.; Roos, M. (2011). Verslag afstemming monitoring - Visonderzoek, november 2011. Vlaams Nederlandse Schelde Commissie (VNSC): Bergen op Zoom. 2 pp., more
Baretta-Bekker, H.; Bot, P.; Prins, T.; Zevenboom, W. (2008). Report on the second application of the OSPAR Comprehensive Procedure to the Dutch marine waters. OSPAR CP: Netherlands. 29 + annexes pp., more
Prins, T.C.; Bot, P.V.M.; Duin, R.M.N.; Peeters, J.C.H. (2002). Eutrofiëring zoute wateren: effecten, trends en prognose. Rapport RIKZ = Report RIKZ, 2002.023. Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee/RIKZ: Middelburg. 32 pp., more