- Phototrophic biofilms and their potential applications: towards the development of a unifying concept, more
- The influence of climatic change on coastal sediment erosion, more
- The morphodynamical development of intertidal mudflats, more
- de Brouwer J., Stal L.: Nieuwe aangroeiwerende verven met natuurlijke biociden voor zeeschepen. Netherlands Institute of Ecology; Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology, Netherlands. Metadata available at http://mda.nioo.knaw.nl/imis.php?module=dataset&dasid=1829, more
A1 Publications (17) [show] |
- Staal, M.; Thar, R.; Kühl, M.; van Loosdrecht, M.C.M.; Wolf, G.H.; de Brouwer, J.; Rijstenbil, J.W. (2007). Different carbon isotope fractionation patterns during the development of phototrophic freshwater and marine biofilms. Biogeosciences 4(4): 613-626. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-4-613-2007, more
- de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Cooksey, K.E.; Wigglesworth-Cooksey, B.; Staal, M.; Stal, L.J.; Avci, R. (2006). Time of flight-secondary ion mass spectrometry on isolated extracellular fractions and intact biofilms of three species of benthic diatoms. J. microbiol. methods 65(3): 562-572. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mimet.2005.10.001, more
- Tolhurst, T.J.; Defew, E.C.; de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Wolfstein, K.; Stal, L.J.; Paterson, D.M. (2006). Small-scale temporal and spatial variability in the erosion threshold and properties of cohesive intertidal sediments. Cont. Shelf Res. 26(3): 351-362. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2005.11.007, more
- de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Wolfstein, K.; Ruddy, G.K.; Jones, T.E.R.; Stal, L.J. (2005). Biogenic stabilization of intertidal sediments: The importance of extracellular polymeric substances produced by benthic diatoms. Microb. Ecol. 49(4): 501-512. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00248-004-0020-z, more
- de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Stal, L.J. (2004). Does warm-water extraction of benthic diatoms yield extracellular polymeric substances or does it extract intracellular chrysolaminaran? Eur. J. Phycol. 39(2): 129-131. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09670260410001703815, more
- de Brouwer, J.F.C.; de Deckere, E.M.G.T.; Stal, L.J. (2003). Distribution of extracellular carbohydrates in three intertidal mudflats in Western Europe. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 56(2): 313-324. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0272-7714(02)00164-6, more
- de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Ruddy, G.K.; Jones, T.E.R.; Stal, L.J. (2002). Sorption of EPS to sediment particles and the effect on the rheology of sediment slurries. Biogeochemistry 61: 57-71, more
- de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Wolfstein, K.; Stal, L.J. (2002). Physical characterization and diel dynamics of different fractions of extracellular polysaccharides in an axenic culture of a benthic diatom. Eur. J. Phycol. 37: 37-44. https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0967026201003419, more
- Wolfstein, K.; de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Stal, L.J. (2002). Biochemical partitioning of photosynthetically fixed carbon by benthic diatoms during short-term incubations at different irradiances. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 245: 21-31. https://dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps245021, more
- de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Stal, L.J. (2001). Short-term dynamics in microphytobenthos distribution and associated extracellular carbohydrates in surface sediments of an intertidal mudflat. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 218: 33-44. https://dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps218033, more
de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Stal, L.J. (2001). Short-term dynamics in microphytobenthos distribution and associated extracellular carbohydrates in surface sediments of an intertidal mudfat. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 218: 33-44, more
- de Deckere, E.M.G.T.; Tolhurst, T.J.; de Brouwer, J.F.C. (2001). Destabilization of cohesive intertidal sediments by infauna. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 53(5): 665-669. dx.doi.org/10.1006/ecss.2001.0811, more
- de Deckere, E.M.G.T.; Tolhurst, T.J.; de Brouwer, J.F.C. (2001). Destabilisation of cohesive intertidal sediments by infauna. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 53(5): 665-669. https://dx.doi.org/10.1006/ecss.2001.0811, more
- Blanchard, G.F.; Paterson, D.M.; Stal, L.J.; Richard, P.; Galois, R.; Huet, V.; Kelly, J.; Honeywill, C.; de Brouwer, J.; Dyer, K.; Christie, M.C.; Seguignes, M. (2000). The effect of geomorphological structures on potential biostabilisation by microphytobenthos on intertidal mudflats. Cont. Shelf Res. 20(10-11): 1243-1256. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0278-4343(00)00021-2, more
- de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Bjelic, S.; de Deckere, E.M.G.T.; Stal, L.J. (2000). Interplay between biology and sedimentology in a mudflat (Biezelingse Ham, Westerschelde, The Netherlands). Cont. Shelf Res. 20(10-11): 1159-1177. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0278-4343(00)00017-0, more
- Paterson, D.M.; Tolhurst, T.J.; Kelly, J.A.; Honeywill, C.; de Deckere, E.M.G.T.; Huet, V.; Shayler, S.A.; Black, K.S.; de Brouwer, J.; Davidson, I. (2000). Variations in sediment properties, Skeffling mudflat, Humber Estuary, UK. Cont. Shelf Res. 20(10-11): 1373-1396. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0278-4343(00)00028-5, more
Boschker, H.T.S.; de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Cappenberg, T.E. (1999). The contribution of macrophyte-derived organic matter to microbial biomass in salt-marsh sediments: stable carbon isotope analysis of microbial biomarkers. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44(2): 309-319. http://dx.doi.org/10.4319/lo.1999.44.2.0309, more
Book [show] |
Kromkamp, J.; de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Blanchard, G.; Forster, R.M.; Créach, V. (Ed.) (2006). Functioning of microphytobenthos in estuaries: Proceedings of the Colloquium, Amsterdam, 21-23 August 2003. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeling Natuurkunde, Tweede Reeks, 103. [S.n.]: Amsterdam. ISBN 90-6984-453-2. X, 262 pp., more
Book chapters (5) [show] |
de Brouwer, J.; Neu, T.R.; Stal, L.J. (2006). On the function of secretion of extracellular polymeric substances by benthic diatoms and their role in intertidal mudflats: A review of recent insights and views, in: Kromkamp, J. et al. (Ed.) Functioning of microphytobenthos in estuaries: Proceedings of the Colloquium, Amsterdam, 21-23 August 2003. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeling Natuurkunde, Tweede Reeks, 103: pp. 45-61, more
Kromkamp, J.; de Brouwer, J.; Blanchard, G.; Forster, R.M.; Créach, V. (2006). Preface and acknowledgements, in: Kromkamp, J. et al. (Ed.) Functioning of microphytobenthos in estuaries: Proceedings of the Colloquium, Amsterdam, 21-23 August 2003. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeling Natuurkunde, Tweede Reeks, 103: pp. VII-X, more
- de Brouwer, J.; Dedeckere, E.; Herman, P.M.J. (2002). Biotic effect on sedimentary processes in intertidal areas, in: ECSA Local Meeting: Ecological structures and functions in the Scheldt Estuary: from past to future, Antwerp, Belgium October 7-10, 2002: abstract book. pp. 18, more
- de Deckere, E.M.G.T.; de Brouwer, J.F.C.; Heip, C.H.R. (2002). Variation in macro- and meiobenthos densitties over intertidal mudflats, in: de Deckere, E.M.G.T. (2003). Faunal influence on sediment stability in intertidal mudflats. NIOO Thesis, 20: pp. 11-20, more
- de Deckere, E.M.G.T.; Tolhurst, T.J.; de Brouwer, J.F.C. (2001). Destabilisation of cohesive intertidal sediments by infauna, in: de Deckere, E.M.G.T. (2003). Faunal influence on sediment stability in intertidal mudflats. NIOO Thesis, 20: pp. 31-38, more
Report [show] |
Tanczos, I.; de Brouwer, J.; Crosato, A.; Dankers, N.M.J.A.; van Duin, W.E.; Stive, M.J.F.; Talmon, A.M.; Verbeek, H.; de Vries, M.B.; Van der Wegen, M.; Winterwerp, J.C. (2001). Eco-morphodynamic processes in the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta and the Dutch Wadden Sea. Delft Cluster: Delft. 93 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
Stal, L.J.; de Brouwer, J.F.C. (2003). Biofilm formation by benthic diatoms and their influence on the stabilization of intertidal mudflats. Berichte (Forsch.zent. Terramare) 12: 109-111, more