- Causes and consequences of changing marine biodiversity a fish and fisheries perspective, more
- Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, more
A1 Publications (3) [show] |
- Starkey, D.J. (2011). Voluntaries and sea robbers: A review of the academic literature on privateering, corsairing, buccaneering and piracy. Mar. mirror 97(1): 127-147. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00253359.2011.10709036, more
- Beaumont, N.J.; Austen, M.C.; Atkins, J.P.; Burdon, D.; Degraer, S.; Dentinho, T.P.; Derous, S.; Holm, P.; Horton, T.; van Ierland, E.; Marboe, A.H.; Starkey, D.J.; Townsend, M.; Zarzycki, T. (2007). Identification, definition and quantification of goods and services provided by marine biodiversity: implications for the ecosystem approach. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 54(3): 253-265. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2006.12.003, more
Starkey, D.J.; Holm, P.; Smith, T.; Francis, R.; Rozwadowski, H. (2000). H-OBIS: a historical dimension to the ocean biogeographical information system. Oceanography 13(3): 39-40, more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Books (10) [show] |
- Harlaftis, G.; Dimitropoulos, D.V.; Starkey, D.J. (Ed.) (2016). Corsairs and pirates in the Eastern Mediterranean, fifteenth-nineteenth centuries. Sylvia Ioannou Foundation/AdVenture SA: Athens. ISBN 978-960-87792-5-9. 173 pp., more
- Starkey, D.J.; Heidbrink, I. (Ed.) (2012). A history of the North Atlantic fisheries: 2. From the 1850s to the early twenty-first century. Deutsche maritime Studien = German maritime studies, 19. Hauschild: Bremen. ISBN 978-3-89757-512-7. 336 pp., more
- Starkey, D.J.; Thór, J.Th.; Heidbrink, I. (Ed.) (2009). A history of the North Atlantic fisheries: 1. From early times to the mid-nineteenth century. Deutsche maritime Studien = German maritime studies, 6. Hauschild: Bremen. ISBN 978-3-89757-432-8. 456 pp., more
- Starkey, D.J.; Holm, P.; Barnard, M. (Ed.) (2008). Oceans past: Management insights from the history of marine animal populations. Earthscan Publications: London. ISBN 978-1-84407-527-0. XVIII, 223 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781849772105, more
- Holm, P.; Smith, T.D.; Starkey, D.J. (Ed.) (2001). The exploited seas: New directions for marine environmental history. Census of Marine Life/International Maritime Economic History Association: St. John's. ISBN 0-9730073-1-1. XIX, 216 pp., more
- Starkey, D.J.; Ashcroft, N.; Reid, C. (Ed.) (2000). England's sea fisheries: The commercial sea fisheries of England and Wales Since 1300. Chatham Publishing: London. ISBN 9781861761248. 288 pp., more
- Starkey, D.J.; Jamieson, A.J. (Ed.) (1998). Exploiting the sea: aspects of Britain's maritime economy since 1870. Exeter Maritime Studies. University of Exeter Press: Exeter. ISBN 0-85989-533-5. 220 pp., more
- Starkey, D.J.; van Eyck van Heslinga, E.S.; de Moore, J.A. (Ed.) (1997). Pirates and privateers: New perspectives on the War on Trade in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Exeter Maritime Studies. University of Exeter Press: Exeter. ISBN 0-85989-481-9. xii, 268 pp., more
- Holm, P.; Starkey, D.J.; Thór, J.Th. (1996). The North Atlantic fisheries, 1100-1976: National perspectives on a common resource. Studia Atlantica, 1. North Atlantic Fisheries History Association: Esbjerg. ISBN 87-87453-71-1. 212 pp., more
- Starkey, D.J. (1990). British privateering enterprise in the eighteenth century. University of Exeter Press: Exeter. ISBN 0 85989 312 X. 344 pp., more
Book chapters (22) [show] |
- Starkey, D.J. (2017). The development of fishing fleets in the North Atlantic Ocean, in: Buchet, C. et al. (Ed.) The Sea in History. The Early Modern World = La mer dans l'histoire. La période Moderne. pp. 224-233, more
- Starkey, D.J. (2017). Private enterprise, public policy and the development of Britain's seafaring workforce, 1650-1815, in: Fury, C.A. The social history of English seamen, 1650-1815. pp. 147-181, more
- Starkey, D.J. (2016). Epilogue: parasites, predators and the historical process, in: Harlaftis, G. et al. (Ed.) Corsairs and pirates in the Eastern Mediterranean, fifteenth-nineteenth centuries. pp. 161-167, more
- Starkey, D.J. (2012). The North Atlantic fisheries: Bearings, currents and grounds, in: Starkey, D.J. et al. (Ed.) A history of the North Atlantic fisheries: 2. From the 1850s to the early twenty-first century. Deutsche maritime Studien = German maritime studies, 19: pp. 13-26, more
- Starkey, D.J. (2012). Fish: A removable feast, in: Starkey, D.J. et al. (Ed.) A history of the North Atlantic fisheries: 2. From the 1850s to the early twenty-first century. Deutsche maritime Studien = German maritime studies, 19: pp. 327-335, more
- Starkey, D.J. (2011). The British seafaring workforce: Size and occupational composition, 1707-1828, in: ter Brugge, J. et al. (Ed.) The 9th North Sea History Conference: Maritime People. pp. 8-25, more
- Candow, J.E.; Starkey, D.J. (2009). Northeast North America: Environment and ecology, in: Starkey, D.J. et al. (Ed.) A history of the North Atlantic fisheries: 1. From early times to the mid-nineteenth century. Deutsche maritime Studien = German maritime studies, 6: pp. 366-371, more
- Starkey, D.J. (2009). Introduction: diverse waters, common themes, in: Starkey, D.J. et al. (Ed.) A history of the North Atlantic fisheries: 1. From early times to the mid-nineteenth century. Deutsche maritime Studien = German maritime studies, 6: pp. 13-23, more
- Starkey, D.J.; López Losa, E. (2009). Atlantic France and Iberia: Environment and ecology, in: Starkey, D.J. et al. (Ed.) A history of the North Atlantic fisheries: 1. From early times to the mid-nineteenth century. Deutsche maritime Studien = German maritime studies, 6: pp. 204-207, more
- Starkey, D.J.; Nielssen, A.R. (2009). North Europe: Environment and ecology, in: Starkey, D.J. et al. (Ed.) A history of the North Atlantic fisheries: 1. From early times to the mid-nineteenth century. Deutsche maritime Studien = German maritime studies, 6: pp. 38-40, more
- Starkey, D.J.; Robinson, R. (2009). The North Sea littoral and British Isles: Environment and ecology, in: Starkey, D.J. et al. (Ed.) A history of the North Atlantic fisheries: 1. From early times to the mid-nineteenth century. Deutsche maritime Studien = German maritime studies, 6: pp. 124-126, more
- Starkey, D.J.; Thór, J.Th. (2009). Mid-Atlantic islands: Environment and ecology, in: Starkey, D.J. et al. (Ed.) A history of the North Atlantic fisheries: 1. From early times to the mid-nineteenth century. Deutsche maritime Studien = German maritime studies, 6: pp. 308-311, more
- Beaumont, N.J.; Austen, M.C.; Atkins, J.P.; Burdon, D.; Degraer, S.; Dentinho, T.P.; Derous, S.; Holm, P.; Horton, T.; van Ierland, E.; Marboe, A.H.; Starkey, D.J.; Townsend, M.; Zarzycki, T. (2008). Identification, definition and quantification of goods and services provided by marine biodiversity: implications for the ecosystem approach, in: Derous, S. Mariene biologische waardering als een beslissingsondersteunende techniek voor marien beheer. pp. 219-242, more
- Starkey, D.J.; Holm, P.; Barnard, M. (2008). Oceans past: history meets marine science, in: Starkey, D.J. et al. (Ed.) Oceans past: management insights from the history of marine animal populations. pp. 1-5, more
- Starkey, D.J. (2007). Quantifying British seafarers, 1789-1828, in: Gorski, R. Maritime labour: Contributions to the history of work at sea, 1500-2000. pp. 83-103, more
- Starkey, D.J. (2001). The origins and regulation of eighteenth-century British privateering, in: Pennell, C.R. (Ed.) Bandits at sea: a pirates reader. pp. 69-81, more
- Starkey, D.J. (2001). Pirates and markets, in: Pennell, C.R. (Ed.) Bandits at sea: a pirates reader. pp. 107-124, more
- Starkey, D.J.; Haines, M. (2001). The Newfoundland fisheries, c. 1500-1900: a British perspective, in: Holm, P. et al. (Ed.) The exploited seas: new directions for marine environmental history. pp. 1-11, more
- Starkey, D.J. (1997). Introduction, in: Pirates and Privateers: New perspectives on the War on Trade in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. pp. 1-9, more
- Starkey, D.J. (1997). A restless spirit: British privateering enterprise, 1739-1815
, in: Pirates and privateers: New perspectives on the War on Trade in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Exeter Maritime Studies, : pp. 126-140, more
- Robinson, R.; Starkey, D.J. (1996). The sea fisheries of the British Isles, 1376-1976: A preliminary survey, in: Holm, P. et al. The North Atlantic fisheries, 1100-1976: National perspectives on a common resource. Studia Atlantica, 1: pp. 121-144, more
- Starkey, D.J. (1990). British seafaring employment levels in peace and war, 1736-1792, in: Fischer, R et al. (Ed.) Shipping and trade (1750-1950) Session B-7. Proceedings Tenth International Economic History Congress, Leuven, August 1990. Studies in Social and Economic History, 10: pp. 28-37, more