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Santos, Vanessa
    Institute of Marine Research (IMAR), more
    Institutional address:
    Centro Interdisciplinar de Coimbra
    c/o Department of Zoology
    University of Coimbra
    3000 Coimbra
    Tel.: +351-(0)239-83 63 86
  • Tempera F.; Sinde-Mano A.L.; Gomes Pereira J.N.; Atchoi E.; de Matos V.; Santos S.V.; Milla-Figueras D.; Das D.; Graça G.; Fontes J.; Bates R.; Ribeiro P.; Afonso P.; IMAR-Institute of Marine Research, University of the Azores, Portugal; (2021): Black coral occurrences on the Azores shelves (central north Atlantic) from 1991 to 2019., more