Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), more
From 1999Period: till 2003 |
- Muthiga N.; Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute: Kenya; (2016): Distribution and abundance of corals along the Kenyan coast., more
- Samyn Y.; Daro N.; Laboratorium voor Ecologie en Systematiek; Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Belgium; (2016): Length, width and weight of Echinotrix diadema and E. Calamaris species sampled in Mombasa Marine National Park (Kenya) from December 1994 to March 1995., more
- Van Hout T.; Daro N.; Laboratorium voor Ecologie en Systematiek; Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Belgium; (2016): Abundance of Echinothrix diadema and its substrate coverage in the Mombasa Marine National Park and Reserve (Kenya) in September-October 1997., more
A1 Publications (11) [show] |
- Darling, E.S.; McClanahan, T.; Maina, J.; Gurney, G.G.; Graham, N.A.J.; Januchowski-Hartley, F.; Cinner, J.E.; Mora, C.; Hicks, C.C.; Maire, E.; Puotinen, M.; Skirving, W.J.; Adjeroud, M.; Ahmadia, G.; Arthur, R.; Bauman, A.G.; Beger, M.; Berumen, M.L.; Bigot, L.; Bouwmeester, J.; Brenier, A.; Bridge, T.C.L.; Brown, E.K.; Campbell, S.J.; Cannon, S.; Cauvin, B.; Chen, C.A.; Claudet, J.; Denis, V.; Donner, S.; Fadli, N.; Feary, D.A.; Fenner, D.; Fox, H.E.; Franklin, E.C.; Friedlander, A.; Gilmour, J.P.; Goiran, C.; Guest, J.; Hobbs, J.-P.A.; Hoey, A.S.; Houk, P.; Johnson, S.; Jupiter, S.D.; Kayal, M.; Kuo, C.-Y.; Lamb, J.; Lee, M.A.C.; Low, J.; Muthiga, N. A.; Muttaqin, E.; Nand, Y.; Nash, K.L.; Nedlic, O.; Pandolfi, J.M.; Pardede, S.; Patankar, V.; Penin, L.; Ribas-Deulofeu, L.; Richards, Z.T.; Rioberts, E.T.; Rodgers, K.S.; Mohd Safuan, C.D.; Salathe, E.P.; Shedrawl, G.; Min Sin, T.; Smallhorn-West, P.; Smith, J.E.; Sommer, B.; Steinberg, P.D.; Sutthacheep, M.; Tan, C.H.J.; Williams, G.J.; Wilson, S.K.; Yeemin, T.; Bruno, J.F.; Fortin, M.-J.; Krkosek, M.; Mouillot, D. (2019). Social–environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3(9): 1341-1350., more
- McClanahan, T. R.; Darling, E. S.; Maina, J.M.; Muthiga, N. A.; D'Agata, S.; Jupiter, S.D.; Arthur, R.; Wilson, S.K.; Mangubhai, S.; Nand, Y.; Ussi, A.M.; Humphries, A.T.; Patankar, V.J.; Guillaume, M.M.M.; Keith, S.A.; Shedrawi, G.; Julius, P.; Grimsditch, G.; Ndagala, J.; Leblond, J. (2019). Temperature patterns and mechanisms influencing coral bleaching during the 2016 El Niño. Nat. Clim. Chang. 9(11): 845-851., more
- Cinner, J. E.; Daw, T. M.; McClanahan, T. R.; Muthiga, N.; Abunge, C.; Hamed, S.; Mwaka, B.; Rabearisoa, A.; Wamukota, A.; Fisher, E.; Jiddawi, N. (2012). Transitions toward co-management: the process of marine resource management devolution in three East African countries. Global Environ. Change 22(3): 651-658., more
- McClanahan, T. R.; Maina, J. M.; Muthiga, N. A. (2011). Associations between climate stress and coral reef diversity in the Western Indian Ocean. Glob. Chang. Biol. 17(6): 2023-2032., more
- McClanahan, T. R.; Mwaguni, S.; Muthiga, N. A. (2005). Management of the Kenyan coast. Ocean Coast. Manag. 48(11-12): 901-931., more
- McClanahan, T. R.; Muthiga, N. A.; Mangi, S. (2001). Coral and algal changes after the 1998 coral bleaching: interaction with reef management and herbivores on Kenyan reefs. Coral Reefs 19(4): 380-391., more
- Cole, J. E.; Dunbar, R. B.; McClanahan, T. R.; Muthiga, N. A. (2000). Tropical Pacific forcing of decadal SST variability in the western Indian Ocean over the past two centuries. Science (Wash.) 287(5453): 617-619., more
- McClanahan, T. R.; Kamukuru, A. T.; Muthiga, N. A.; Gilagabher Yebio, M.; Obura, D. (1996). Effect of sea urchin reductions on algae, coral, and fish populations. Conserv. Biol. 10(1): 136-154., more
- McClanahan, T. R.; Muthiga, N. A. (1989). Patterns of predation on a sea urchin, Echinometra mathaei (de Blainville), on Kenyan coral reefs. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 126(1): 77-94., more
- McClanahan, T. R.; Muthiga, N. A. (1988). Changes in Kenyan coral reef community structure and function due to exploitation. Hydrobiologia 166(3): 269-276., more
- Muthiga, N.A.; McClanahan, T. R. (1987). Population changes of a sea urchin (Echinometra mathaei) on an exploited fringing reef. Afr. J. Ecol. 25(1): 1-8., more
Books (2) [show] |
- Hoorweg, J.; Muthiga, N. A. (2009). Advances in coastal ecology: people, processes and ecosystems in Kenya. 20. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. ISBN 978-90-5448-090-7. 278 pp., more
- Hoorweg, J.; Muthiga, N. A. (2003). Recent advances in coastal ecology: studies from Kenya. 70. [S.n.]: Leiden. , more
Book chapter [show] |
- Kamau, E.C.; Wamukota, A.; Muthiga, N. A. (2009). Promotion and management of marine fisheries in Kenya, in: Winter, G. (Ed.) Towards sustainable fisheries law: A comparative analysis. IUCN Environmental Policy and Law Paper, 74: pp. 83-137, more
Reports (4) [show] |
Muthiga, N. A. (2003). Enforcement in Kenya’s Marine Protected Area network: executive summary presented at the enforcement session, second international tropical marine ecosystems management symposium 24th – 27th March 2003 Manila, Philippines. International Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management Symposium (ITMEMS): [s.l.]. 7 pp., more
Muthiga, N. A.; Maina, J.; McClanahan, T. (2003). The effectiveness of management of marine protected areas in Kenya. International tropical marine environment management symposium: Manila, Philippines. 10 pp., more
Muthiga, N. A.; Bigot, L.; Nilsson, A. (1998). East Africa: coral reef programs of eastern Africa and the Western Indian Ocean. [S.n.]: ITMEM Proceedings. 114-143 pp., more
Mwandotto, B. A. J.; Kaloki, F. P.; Mwaguni, S. M.; Mwanyuni, M. N.; Ruwa, R. K.; Munga, D.; Ong'anda, H.; Weru, S.; Kagwi, J. L.; Mukira, M. W.; Gitau, J.; Okello, J.; Muthiga, N. (1996). Towards integrated management and sustainable development of Kenya's coast: findings and recommendations for an action strategy in the Nyali-Bamburi-Shanzu area. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 88 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
Muthiga, N. A. (1986). Edible crabs of Kenya. Kenya Aquat. 3: 61-65, more