Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid; Vakgroep Europees, publiek- en internationaal recht; Maritiem Instituut, more
A1 Publications (2) [show] |
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Makgill, R.; Dawson, K.; de Wit, N. (2012). The exclusive economic zone and continental shelf (environmental effects) Bill 2011. Resour. Manag. J. (Auckl.) 2012: 1-6, 16, more
Book [show] |
- Boast, R.; Makgill, R. (2011). Marine and coastal area act: demystifying the hype. New Zealand Law Society, Family Law Section and Property Law Section: New Zealand. 64 pp., more
Book chapters (2) [show] |
- Makgill, R. (2011). Public property and private use rights: exclusive occupation of the coastal marine area of New Zealand, in: Bosselmann, K. et al. Water rights and sustainability. pp. 77-110, more
- Makgill, R.A. (2011). Feeling left out at sea? Navigating no ownership, customary rights and resource management, in: Boast, R. et al. Marine and coastal area act: demystifying the hype. pp. 27-64, more
Other publications (2) [show] |
Makgill, R.; Mossop, J.; Scott, K. (2012). Liability and limits for the Rena pollution incident. Linc. Univ. Plan. Rev. 3(2): 14-17, more
- Anton, D.; Makgill, R.; Payne, C. (2011). Advisory opinion on responsibility and liability for international seabed mining (ITLOS Case No. 17): international environmental law in the seabed disputes chamber. Environ. Policy Law 41(2): 60-65, more