Naturalis Biodiversity Center; Department of Marine Zoology, more
Function: Associate Researcher
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A1 Publications (3) [show] |
- Dijkstra, H.H. (1999). Type specimens of Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) described by Linnaeus (1758-1771). Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 125: 383-443, more
- Dijkstra, H.H.; Knudsen, J. (1998). Some Pectinoidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Pectinidae) of the Red Sea. Moll. Res. 19(2): 43-104, more
- Dijkstra, H.H. (1994). Type specimens of recent species of Pectinidae described by Lamarck (1819), preserved in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle of Geneva and Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle of Paris. Rev. Suisse Zool. 101(2): 465-532, more
Peer reviewed publications (13) [show] |
- Dijkstra, H.H.; Maestrati, P. (2008). New species and new records of deep-water Pectinoidea (Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Entoliidae and Pectinidae) from the South Pacific, in: Héros, V. et al. (Ed.) Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos 25. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (1993), 196: pp. 77-113, more
- Dijkstra, H.H. (2002). A new species of living scallop of the genus Anguipecten (Bivalvia, Pectinidae) from the tropical Indo-Pacific. Basteria 66: 139-142, more
- Dijkstra, H.H.; Goud, J. (2002). Pectinoidea (Bivalvia, Propeamussiidae and Pectinidae) collected during the Dutch CANCAP and MAURITANIA expeditions in the south-eastern region of the North Atlantic Ocean. Basteria 66: 31-82, more
- Dijkstra, H.H. (2001). Pectinoidea du bathyal de Wallis et Futuna, du Vanuatu et de Nouvelle-Calédonie (Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Entoliidae et Pectinidae) = Bathyal Pectinoidea (Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Entoliidae and Pectinidae) from Wallis and Futuna Islands, Vanuatu Archipelago and New Caledonia, in: Bouchet, P. et al. Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos 22. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Série A, Zoologie, 185: pp. 73-95, more
- Dijkstra, H.H.; Raines, B.K. (1999). Pascahinnites n. gen. Pecten (Chalmys) pasca Dall, 1908, a cemented Easter Island scallop (Bivalvia: Pectinidae). Basteria 63: 199-203, more
- Dijkstra, H.H.; Kastoro, W.W. (1997). Mollusca Bivalvia: Pectinoidea (Propeamussiidae and Pectindae) from eastern Indonesia, in: Crosnier, A. et al. (Ed.) Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM 16. Campagne Franco-Indonésienne KARUBAR. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Série A, Zoologie, 172: pp. 245-285, more
- Dijkstra, H.H.; Knudsen, J. (1997). The morphology and assignment of Pseudohinnites levii Dijkstra, 1989 (Bivalvia: Pectinoidea). Basteria 61: 1-15, more
- Dijkstra, H.H. (1995). Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature of Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) 1. Anguipecten picturatus nom. nov. Basteria 59: 15-19, more
- Dijkstra, H.H. (1995). Bathyal Pectinoidea (Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Entoliidae, Pectinidae) from New Caledonia and adjacent areas, in: Bouchet, P. (Ed.) Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM 14. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Série A, Zoologie, 167: pp. 9-73, more
- Dijkstra, H.H. (1988). Notities betreffende groeistadia en determinatiekenmerken van enkele Europese Pectinidae soorten. De Kreukel Jubil. No.: 111-118, plate 2, more
- Dijkstra, H.H. (1986). Flexopecten flexuosus (Poli, 1795) van Terschelling 2. Het Zeepaard 46(6): 195, more
- Dijkstra, H.H. (1984). Een merkwaardige vondst van Terschelling. Het Zeepaard 44(2): 41, more
- Dijkstra, H.H. (1982). Over een kleurvariëteit van Littorina saxatilis rudis (Maton, 1797). Het Zeepaard 42(5): 122, more