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- HamPelFish: Post, A. 1987. Pelagic transects of FRVs "Walther Herwig" and "Anton Dohrn" in the Atlantic Ocean 1966 to 1986. Mitt. Inst. f. Seefischerei d. BfaFi Hamburg, 42: 1-68., more
- Skov,H, T. Gunnlaugsson, W.P. Budgell, J. Horne, L. Nøttestad, E. Olsen, H. Søiland, G. Víkingsson and G. Waring (2008) Small-scale spatial variability of sperm and sei whales in relation to oceanographic and topographic features along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Deep-sea Research II. 55: 254-268., more
- Wenneck, T. de Lange, Falkenhaug, T. and O.A. Bergstad. 2008. Strategies, methods, and technologies adopted on the RV G.O. Sars MAR-ECO expedition to the mid-Atlantic Ridge in 2004. Deep-sea Research II. 55: 6-28., more