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Monitoring of physicochemical water quality in the Demer River to determine impact of restored meanders between 2021 and 2024
Hons, M.; Maris, T.; Schoelynck, J.; Ecosphere Research Group, University of Antwerp: Belgium; (2025): Monitoring of physicochemical water quality in the Demer River to determine impact of restored meanders between 2021 and 2024. Marine Data Archive.

Availability: Creative Commons License This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This study examined the impact of meander reconnection and deflector placement on water quality.

Physical, Water composition
Deflector installation, Meander reconnection, Monitoring, Physicochemical water quality, River restoration, Belgium, Demer R.

Geographical coverage
Belgium, Demer R. [Marine Regions]

Temporal coverage
30 June 2021 - 10 October 2023

Ammonium (NH4+) Methodology
Biogenic silica Methodology
Carbonaceous oxygen demand Methodology
Chlorophyll a Methodology
Conductivity Methodology
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) Methodology
Dissolved oxygen (O2) Methodology
Dissolved Silica Methodology
Kjeldahl nitrogen Methodology
Nitrate (NO3-) Methodology
Nitrite (NO2-) Methodology
Orthophosphate (o-PO43-) Methodology
pH Methodology
Phaeopigments Methodology
Saturated oxygen Methodology
Suspended particulate matter (SPM) Methodology
Total organic carbon (TOC) Methodology
Total phosphorus (P) Methodology
Turbidity Methodology
Water temperature Methodology
Ammonium (NH4+): Segmented Flow Analyser (Skalar San)
Ammonium (NH4+): Segmented Flow Analyser (Skalar San)
Biogenic silica: Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrophotometer (ICP-OES) from Thermo Scientific iCAP 6300 DUO.
Carbonaceous oxygen demand: Dilution with oxygen rich water, added an inhibitor (allylthioureum) to surpress nitrification. 5 days incubations. Measurement of oxygen before and after incubation.
Chlorophyll a: Organic plant material is removed from the water by filtration over a glass fibre filter. Pigments are extracted from the algal cells with acetone 90% and then estimated spectrophotometrically at 750, 664/665, 645, 630 and 480 nm.
Conductivity: in-field measurement with WTW multiparameter instrument
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC): Colorimetric with Skalar San+
Dissolved oxygen (O2): in-field measurement with WTW multiparameter instrument
Dissolved Silica: Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrophotometer (ICP-OES) from Thermo Scientific iCAP 6300 DUO.
Kjeldahl nitrogen: Segmented Flow Analyser (Skalar San)
Nitrate (NO3-): Segmented Flow Analyser (Skalar San)
Nitrate (NO3-): Segmented Flow Analyser (Skalar San)
Nitrite (NO2-): Segmented Flow Analyser (Skalar San)
Nitrite (NO2-): Segmented Flow Analyser (Skalar San)
Orthophosphate (o-PO43-): Segmented Flow Analyser (Skalar San)
pH: in-field measurement with WTW multiparameter instrument
Phaeopigments: Organic plant material is removed from the water by filtration over a glass fibre filter. Pigments are extracted from the algal cells with acetone 90% and then estimated spectrophotometrically at 750, 664/665, 645, 630 and 480 nm.
Phaeopigments: Organic plant material is removed from the water by filtration over a glass fibre filter. Pigments are extracted from the algal cells with acetone 90% and then estimated spectrophotometrically at 750, 664/665, 645, 630 and 480 nm.
Saturated oxygen: in-field measurement with WTW multiparameter instrument
Suspended particulate matter (SPM): lab measurement by filtration of 3x50 ml on a Whatmann GF/F 0.7 µm filter
Total organic carbon (TOC): Lab measurement by filtration of 3x50 ml on a Whatmann GF/F 0.7 µm filter. Incenaration of filter for 4h at 550°C (LOI).
Total phosphorus (P): Segmented Flow Analyser (Skalar San)
Turbidity: in-field measurement with nephelometer
Water temperature: in-field measurement with WTW multiparameter instrument

Universiteit Antwerpen; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Departement Biologie; ECOSPHERE, moredata creator

Based on this dataset
Hons, M.; Maris, T.; Schoelynck, J. (2025). The effects of meander reconnection and deflector installation on the physicochemical water quality. River Res. Applic. 41(1): 56-67., more

Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2025-03-07
Information last updated: 2025-03-07
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