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Flatfish: Flatfish
Reubens, J.; Deneudt, K.; Hostens, K.; 2016. Field test to estimate tagging potential of several flatfish species.
Reubens, Jan Availability: This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In this field study the potential to tag several flatfish species was tested (i.e. Pleuronectes platessa, Limanda limanda and Microstomus kitt) using existing receiver setups in an offshore wind farm (.e. Belwind) in the Belgian part of the North Sea and an estuary (ie. Westernscheldt) in the Netherlands. Acoustic tags from Vemco were used, type V8. Tagging was performed external. Scope Themes: Biology, Biology > Fish, Fisheries > Fish stocks/catches/taggings Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Brackish water, Acoustic telemetry, Acoustic Telemetry, Tracking, ANE, North Sea, Southern Bight, Limanda limanda (Linnaeus, 1758), Microstomus kitt (Walbaum, 1792), Pleuronectes platessa Linnaeus, 1758 Geographical coverage ANE, North Sea, Southern Bight [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
28 April 2016 - 31 August 2017 Quasi continuous (< 1 min.) Taxonomic coverage
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), more, data creator
Related datasets
Parent dataset: European Tracking Network (ETN) data, more
Other: Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2020-09-11
Information last updated: 2023-05-22