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ICOS and LifeWatch observatory data: buoy data
Citable as data publication
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium (2015): ICOS and LifeWatch observatory data: buoy data.
![]() Description
A set of buoys are maintained by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): two in the sluice dock (Ostend) and one at the C-power windfarm, on the Thornton Bank. All buoys are continuously measuring an array of environmental parameters. more
In conjunction with the research vessel RV Simon Stevin, the Thornthon measuring buoy is part of the oceanographic component of ICOS Belgium (The Integrated Carbon Observation System). The Thornton buoy carries sensors for both LifeWatch and ICOS. Management is organized as part of ICOS. ICOS is a European monitoring network consisting of a large number of observation systems for measuring greenhouse gasses. The observation systems are spread across Europe and consist of three major components: 1. An atmospheric component with high measurement towers 2. An ecosystem component with measurement towers that observe fluxes 3. An oceanographic component with observation systems on ships and buoys Scope Themes: Physical > Currents - drift - dispersion - tracers, Physical > Hydrography (e.g. T,S) - near surface only, Physical > Optical measurements, Physical > Waves - swell Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Data, Marine Genomics, Oceanographic geographical features, ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS), ANE, Belgium, Oostende Harbour, Sluice Dock Geographical coverage ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS) [Marine Regions] ANE, Belgium, Oostende Harbour, Sluice Dock [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
From 1 January 2006 on [In Progress] Quasi continuous (< 1 min.) Parameters
% Oxygen (O) Air temperature Alkalinity (pH) Ammonia (NH3) Aqueous carbon dioxide (CO2aq) Carbondioxide (CO2) in gas Chlorophyll Free phosphate (PO43-) Nitrate (NO3-) Rainfall Salinity Silica (SiO2) Solar radiation Temperature in water Tidal height TAW Wind direction Wind speed Contributors
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), more, data creator, data manager
Related datasets
Child dataset: VLIZ Thornton buoy 2018 CTD data, more Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Sensor platform
Metadatarecord created: 2016-03-29
Information last updated: 2021-11-19