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Animals found in experimental shrimp fisheries (1949-1964) [Zeedieren waargenomen in de experimentele garnalenvangsten (1949-1964)]
Leloup, E.; Gilis, Ch. ; Zeewetenschappelijk Instituut - ZWI (2019) ; Animals found in experimental shrimp fisheries (1949-1964).
![]() Description
Shrimp fisheries catches on board of the research vessel "Hinders", has as main purpose to make an inventarisation of sea animals captured in shrimp trawling, and to identify the negative influence of shrimp fisheries on the shrimp population and fishes in by-catch. They took place on the small coastal area between Middelkerke and Wenduine, within 5 miles of the shore.
During past 16 years, the number of captures was 636, or 40 per year. The average catch has a duration of 1 hour.
Bycatch from shrimpfisheries consists a large number of (non-commercial) invertebrates and both commercial and non commercial fishes. Scope Themes: Biology > Benthos, Biology > Fish, Biology > Invertebrates Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Benthos, By catch, Crangon, Fish, Marine macrobenthos, Shrimp fisheries, ANE, Belgium, Belgian Coast, Crangon Fabricius, 1798, , Pisces Geographical coverage ANE, Belgium, Belgian Coast [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
1949 - 1964 Parameters
Based on this dataset
Leloup, E.; Gilis, Ch. (1965). Zeedieren waargenomen in de experimentele garnalenvangsten (1949-1964) = Animaux marins observés dans les pêches expérimentales aux crevettes (1949-1964). Zeewetenschappelijk Instituut = Institut d'Etudes Maritimes: Oostende. 26 pp., more
Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2015-10-19
Information last updated: 2019-04-19