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IFREMER/Kélonia satellite tracked late juvenile loggerhead sea turtles from Réunion Island 2008-2012
Bourjea, Jérôme ;
Dalleau, Mayeul Availability:
![]() Notes: Only data aggregated per 1-degree cell are available through OBIS. The non-aggregated data are available through the OBIS-SEAMAP Portal
Satellite data from tracking study conducted on juvenile loggerhead sea turtles in the Indian Ocean. more
Eighteen individuals were fitted with transponders and tracked from Réunion Island (21.2°S, 55.3°E) in order to investigate movements and diving patterns. Nine turtles swam north towards Oman (20.5°N, 58.8°E), where one of the world’s largest rookeries of loggerheads is located. Three individuals travelled south towards South-Africa and Madagascar, countries that also host loggerhead nesting grounds. Fourteen of the transmitters relayed diving profiles. A dichotomy between diurnal and nocturnal diving behavior was observed. A greater number of shorter dives occurred during the day. Diving behavior also differed according to movement behavior as individuals spent more time in subsurface waters (<10 m) during transit phases. The study provides an improved understanding of the oceanic movements and diving behavior of juvenile loggerheads. The results address a significant gap in the understanding of loggerhead oceanic movements and may help with the conservation of the species. Scope Themes: Biology > Reptiles Keywords: Marine/Coastal, organism, Satellite tracking, Telemetry, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, ISW, Indian Ocean, Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758), Testudines Geographical coverage EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coordinates: MinLong: 18,5; MinLat: -41,5 - MaxLong: 67,5; MaxLat: 20,5 [WGS84] ISW, Indian Ocean [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
6 October 2008 - 14 December 2014 Contributors
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Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2014-01-15
Information last updated: 2022-08-03