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Danish benthic marine monitoring data from ODAM
Josefson, A.; Rytter, D.; Department of Bioscience - AU, Denmark; (2015): Danish benthic marine monitoring data from ODAM.

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Archived data
Availability: Creative Commons License This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Data contain abundance (number of individuals per species) and biomass (wet weight or dry weight per species) information. more

Investigations of benthic macrofauna, in particular from soft sediments, have a long tradition, with the first quantitative studies in Scandinavian waters performed over 100 years ago. Benthic macrofauna is important as food for demersal fish, the cycling of organic matter and also play a role in carbon sequestration, and not the least as an indicator of environmental quality. Benthic macrofauna is normally defined as organisms retained on 1 mm (European standard) or 0.5 mm sieves. It includes invertebrates over a wide size spectrum; from large crustaceans like Norway Lobster and large bivalves like the Ocean Quahog, to small worms like polychaetes and oligochaetes. Benthic macrofauna also forms a substantial part of marine biodiversity, with more than 500 species in the soft sediments of Kattegat and the Danish estuaries. The typical data format is species specific abundance (number of individuals per species) and biomass (wet weight or dry weight per species) information and the sampling area are either 1/70 m-2 (0,0143 cm2) or 1/10 m-2 (10.000 cm2)

Biology > Benthos, Biology > Ecology - biodiversity
Marine/Coastal, Long-term monitoring, ANE, Baltic, ANE, Belt Sea, ANE, Danish Exclusive Economic Zone, ANE, Kattegat, ANE, Skagerrak, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, Animalia, Annelida, Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Chaetognatha, Chordata, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Echiura, Foraminifera, Hemichordata, Mollusca, Nematoda, , Phoronida, Platyhelminthes, Porifera, Priapulida, Sipuncula

Geographical coverage
ANE, Baltic [Marine Regions]
ANE, Belt Sea [Marine Regions]
ANE, Danish Exclusive Economic Zone [Marine Regions]
ANE, Kattegat [Marine Regions]
ANE, Skagerrak [Marine Regions]
EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box
Coordinates: MinLong: 3,33; MinLat: 54,4994 - MaxLong: 15,42; MaxLat: 57,7979 [WGS84]

Temporal coverage
17 May 1911 - 3 May 2024

Taxonomic coverage
Animalia [WoRMS]
Annelida [WoRMS]
Arthropoda [WoRMS]
Bryozoa [WoRMS]
Chaetognatha [WoRMS]
Chordata [WoRMS]
Cnidaria [WoRMS]
Echinodermata [WoRMS]
Echiura [WoRMS]
Foraminifera [WoRMS]
Hemichordata [WoRMS]
Mollusca [WoRMS]
Nematoda [WoRMS]
Phoronida [WoRMS]
Platyhelminthes [WoRMS]
Porifera [WoRMS]
Priapulida [WoRMS]
Sipuncula [WoRMS]

Dry weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Macrobenthic invertebrate species abundance
Macrobenthic invertebrate species biomass
Wet weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]

University of Aarhus; Faculty of Technical Sciences; Department of Ecoscience, moredata provider
University of Aarhus; Department of Bioscience (BIOS), moredata creator
The Danish Ministry of the Environment; Danish Forest and Nature Agency, more
The Danish Ministry of the Environment; Environment Centre Roskilde, more

Related datasets
Parent dataset:
ODAM: Danish national database for marine data, more
Published in:
EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System, more
(Partly) included in:
Distribution of benthic macroinvertebrate living modes in European seas, more
Gridded abundance map of the invasive Polychaete Marenzelleria in the Baltic Sea, more
Previous version:
MADS - Marine benthic soft-sediment macrozoobenthos, more

Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2013-11-08
Information last updated: 2024-09-16
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