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Ross Coral Mapping Project - NBN South West Pilot Project Case Studies
UK National Biodiversity Network, Dorset Environmental Records Centre - Ross Coral Mapping Project - NBN South West Pilot Project Case Studies.
Stewart, Alison Availability: This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The results of dive surveys carried out by Purbeck Marine Research Unit, Canford School during 1994 and 1995 to record the distribution of Ross Coral Pentapora foliacea at the eastern limit of its range off the Dorset Coast. more
These records are from the data holdings of Dorset Environmental Records Centre which covers both terrestrial and marine taxa, the majority dating from 1976 onwards but also including historical records. The database includes records from site and species surveys by staff and local naturalists, extractions of records from literature, records from other organisations which hold records for Dorset, and records sent in by the general public. The data quality is therefore variable but all records have been through a basic validation process by local experts before entry. This dataset has been submitted to the NBN Gateway as part of the South West Pilot Project Case Studies work. For further information about this dataset, or other species and site data, contact us via our website Scope Themes: Biology > Benthos, Biology > Ecology - biodiversity, Biology > Invertebrates Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Corals, diver, ANE, British Isles, England, Dorset, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, Bryozoa, Cnidaria, Pentapora foliacea (Ellis & Solander, 1786), Tunicata Geographical coverage ANE, British Isles, England, Dorset [Marine Regions] EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coordinates: MinLong: -2,0014; MinLat: 50,6197 - MaxLong: -2,0014; MaxLat: 50,6197 [WGS84] Temporal coverage
1994 - 1995 Taxonomic coverage
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Published in: EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System, more
Dataset information: Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2009-03-04
Information last updated: 2022-08-02